"Desire for self-expression not sermonising, writing desecrated by showing to others" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceOlive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold4/Mar-Dec1920/25
ArchiveUniversity of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date2 October 1920
Address FromBirzana, Plumstead, Cape Town, Western Cape
Address To9 Porchester Place, Edgware Road, Westminster, London
Who ToBetty Molteno
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections. The address this letter was sent to is provided by an attached envelope.
1 Birzana
2 Plumstead
3 Oct 2nd 1920
5 Darling Betty
7 I wonder how the world is going with you & if you have gone to France
8with Mrs Murray. There was no letter from you this week. Mrs Molteno
9told me Margaret & Mrs Molteno were not coming till November.
11 I wish I could run up for a few hours to Elgin & hear all about your
12plans from Kathleen. Anna Purcell’s boy William has got measles. She
13ha promised to drive me up in her motor to Elgin some day, but of
14course now she cant. John (Lucy’s John) is ill in bed, they don’t
15yet know if its measles or influenza.
17 Smuts is playing his last card for life; he is trying to join the
18Unionist & the SA Party. I don’t think it will work. Mushett &
19Alexander are not going to join. I feel so completely out of this life
20– in England & Europe the papers here give one no news except lies.
22 I hope you keep well. Oh I do long to see you so. I am going to-day
23to-day to stay a little with my sister-in-law till I can find a room.
25 I ought never to have come out here: now I cannot go up country & must
26stay close to a tram or train it is too hard to find quarters. You
27would have no difficulty because you could do a little walk. I do miss
28the omnibus.
30 Much much love to you. Have you been to France?
31 Olive
33 ^John is quite well again^