"Best blood of youth, beginning of half century of war" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Olive Schreiner BC16/Box7/Fold2/Aug-Dec1919/27 |
Archive | University of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 25 October 1919 |
Address From | 9 Porchester Place, Edgware Road, Westminster, London |
Address To | Eastcliff, St James, Kalk Bay, Western Cape |
Who To | Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections. The address this letter was sent to is provided by an attached envelope.
19 Porchester Place
2Edgware Rd
3Oct 25th 1919
5My dear old sister
7You are surely now in our Africa, with the sunshine & the blue sea, &
8all the dear friends about you. I can picture you all so at Eastcliff
9- & yet, its strange, the feeling continually comes to me that if I
10went down to Cadogan Square, I should find you all there.
12Please tell me how Bill is. I am so thankful you have him there. Tell
13me what your plans are? And about the old friends
15Poor Miss Molteno came up from Cornwall for a little visit to London,
16but she got news this morning Miss Greene was worse & has hurried back
17in the intense cold today to Cornwall. I have not seen Edna since
18Saturday, but I went over this afternoon to see if she would come with
19me to the bioscope & then come & have tea with me as I’ve got some
20nice little rice cakes – but she was out. On my way to the shop I
21met her in the street in a beautiful warm black cloak that Mrs that
22woman who worked for you had made for her. She said she was too tired
23to come as she’d been out shopping all the morning, & had had lunch
24with Oliver & was going home to rest. She begins to show her condition
25now more than Ursie did even at the end, but looks so sweet. I think
26she prettier than when she came over. I’ve only seen Ol once in the
27last ten days. I don’t like to go over when he’s there, they have
28so little time together, as he goes out early & comes back late. She
29tells me they went out on Sunday & spent the day in the country, I
30think at Kew. All the leaves are falling from the trees now
32Give my love to Keetje Silke. Have you seen Bessie Reitzs? or the
33Sauers? – have you – Isabel “Gilchrist,” or has she gone to
34Australia? Have you seen the Purcells?
36I am longing so for the first letter from the Cape. You don’t know
37how I prized the one you wrote me from Las Palmas
39Good bye dear.
2Edgware Rd
3Oct 25th 1919
5My dear old sister
7You are surely now in our Africa, with the sunshine & the blue sea, &
8all the dear friends about you. I can picture you all so at Eastcliff
9- & yet, its strange, the feeling continually comes to me that if I
10went down to Cadogan Square, I should find you all there.
12Please tell me how Bill is. I am so thankful you have him there. Tell
13me what your plans are? And about the old friends
15Poor Miss Molteno came up from Cornwall for a little visit to London,
16but she got news this morning Miss Greene was worse & has hurried back
17in the intense cold today to Cornwall. I have not seen Edna since
18Saturday, but I went over this afternoon to see if she would come with
19me to the bioscope & then come & have tea with me as I’ve got some
20nice little rice cakes – but she was out. On my way to the shop I
21met her in the street in a beautiful warm black cloak that Mrs that
22woman who worked for you had made for her. She said she was too tired
23to come as she’d been out shopping all the morning, & had had lunch
24with Oliver & was going home to rest. She begins to show her condition
25now more than Ursie did even at the end, but looks so sweet. I think
26she prettier than when she came over. I’ve only seen Ol once in the
27last ten days. I don’t like to go over when he’s there, they have
28so little time together, as he goes out early & comes back late. She
29tells me they went out on Sunday & spent the day in the country, I
30think at Kew. All the leaves are falling from the trees now
32Give my love to Keetje Silke. Have you seen Bessie Reitzs? or the
33Sauers? – have you – Isabel “Gilchrist,” or has she gone to
34Australia? Have you seen the Purcells?
36I am longing so for the first letter from the Cape. You don’t know
37how I prized the one you wrote me from Las Palmas
39Good bye dear.