"Meeting, you are large enough to take me impersonally" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceFindlay Family A1199/1098
ArchiveWilliam Cullen Library, Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date6 April 1872
Address FromDordrecht, Eastern Cape
Address To
Who ToCatherine ('Katie') Findlay nee Schreiner
Other VersionsRive 1987: 5-6
PermissionsPlease read before using or citing this transcription
The Project is grateful to the William Cullen Library, University of Johannesburg, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Historical Papers.
1 Dordrecht
2 April 6th 1872
4 My dearest Katie!
6 Its a long time since I last wrote to you; but I fancy I am right in
7thinking that I've not heard from you since I last did so; no news of
8you however; is I hope, good news, if any of you had been ill I should
9have been sure to have heard of it from Mamma.
11 I was so grieved to hear from her last week of the death of poor
12Alice's little one. I had so hoped she would keep him. Mama says
13something of his having had a fall from his nurse's knee; was that the
14cause of his death? how long was he ill? Tell me all about it when you
15write next.
17 I hope all your dear little ones are still well, what a merry, noisy,
18house yours must be with your five little little tongues which I am
19sure a always going & the five (or rather four) little pairs of feet
20which are never long at rest. I suppose baby does not walk yet^?^ but is
21quite as full of life as any of the others no doubt.
23 I am still at Dordrecht with the Robinsons, but I don't think I shall
24be here much longer, kind as the Rs are to me & glad as I know they
25are to have me with them. I feel that now poor little Aggie is gone, I
26am not needed here & would give any thing to be able to leave but
27where to go to I don't see just at present I hope some thing will turn
28up in time, but I feel so anxious, miserable & distracted just now
29that I don't feel fit for letter writing or any thing else;
31 Its wonderful how qual quietly one gets to take the ups & downs of
32life after a time, but I am thoroughly sick of this life always having
33to move on & never knowing where to move on to. I wish now that I had
34gone to Bedford when Ettie got me the position at Mrs Gill's, but
35enough of my self.
37 I was so glad to hear by last post that Theo had arrived safely at the
38Fields, poor Ettie had been very ill but when she wrote was much
39better I hope we shall soon hear good news from them.
41 I must close now dear sister as it is getting dreadfully late do
42answer this as soon as you receive it I shall be so glad to hear from
43you again.
45 With many kisses for the little ones your affectionate
46 Olive
48 PS. Please give my love to Alice & tell her I have written to her but
49have mislaid the letter & can't send it by this post.
Rive's (1987) version of this letter is in a number of respects incorrect.