"Rhodes wriggling wriggling" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Findlay Family A1199/1098 |
Archive | William Cullen Library, Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 6 April 1872 |
Address From | Dordrecht, Eastern Cape |
Address To | |
Who To | Catherine ('Katie') Findlay nee Schreiner |
Other Versions | Rive 1987: 5-6 |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the William Cullen Library, University of Johannesburg, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Historical Papers.
2 April 6th 1872
4 My dearest Katie!
6 Its a long time since I last wrote to you; but I fancy I am right in
7thinking that I've not heard from you since I last did so; no news of
8you however; is I hope, good news, if any of you had been ill I should
9have been sure to have heard of it from Mamma.
11 I was so grieved to hear from her last week of the death of poor
12Alice's little one. I had so hoped she would keep him. Mama says
13something of his having had a fall from his nurse's knee; was that the
14cause of his death? how long was he ill? Tell me all about it when you
15write next.
17 I hope all your dear little ones are still well, what a merry, noisy,
18house yours must be with your five little little tongues which I am
19sure a always going & the five (or rather four) little pairs of feet
20which are never long at rest. I suppose baby does not walk yet^?^ but is
21quite as full of life as any of the others no doubt.
23 I am still at Dordrecht with the Robinsons, but I don't think I shall
24be here much longer, kind as the Rs are to me & glad as I know they
25are to have me with them. I feel that now poor little Aggie is gone, I
26am not needed here & would give any thing to be able to leave but
27where to go to I don't see just at present I hope some thing will turn
28up in time, but I feel so anxious, miserable & distracted just now
29that I don't feel fit for letter writing or any thing else;
31 Its wonderful how qual quietly one gets to take the ups & downs of
32life after a time, but I am thoroughly sick of this life always having
33to move on & never knowing where to move on to. I wish now that I had
34gone to Bedford when Ettie got me the position at Mrs Gill's, but
35enough of my self.
37 I was so glad to hear by last post that Theo had arrived safely at the
38Fields, poor Ettie had been very ill but when she wrote was much
39better I hope we shall soon hear good news from them.
41 I must close now dear sister as it is getting dreadfully late do
42answer this as soon as you receive it I shall be so glad to hear from
43you again.
45 With many kisses for the little ones your affectionate
46 Olive
48 PS. Please give my love to Alice & tell her I have written to her but
49have mislaid the letter & can't send it by this post.
2 April 6th 1872
4 My dearest Katie!
6 Its a long time since I last wrote to you; but I fancy I am right in
7thinking that I've not heard from you since I last did so; no news of
8you however; is I hope, good news, if any of you had been ill I should
9have been sure to have heard of it from Mamma.
11 I was so grieved to hear from her last week of the death of poor
12Alice's little one. I had so hoped she would keep him. Mama says
13something of his having had a fall from his nurse's knee; was that the
14cause of his death? how long was he ill? Tell me all about it when you
15write next.
17 I hope all your dear little ones are still well, what a merry, noisy,
18house yours must be with your five little little tongues which I am
19sure a always going & the five (or rather four) little pairs of feet
20which are never long at rest. I suppose baby does not walk yet^?^ but is
21quite as full of life as any of the others no doubt.
23 I am still at Dordrecht with the Robinsons, but I don't think I shall
24be here much longer, kind as the Rs are to me & glad as I know they
25are to have me with them. I feel that now poor little Aggie is gone, I
26am not needed here & would give any thing to be able to leave but
27where to go to I don't see just at present I hope some thing will turn
28up in time, but I feel so anxious, miserable & distracted just now
29that I don't feel fit for letter writing or any thing else;
31 Its wonderful how qual quietly one gets to take the ups & downs of
32life after a time, but I am thoroughly sick of this life always having
33to move on & never knowing where to move on to. I wish now that I had
34gone to Bedford when Ettie got me the position at Mrs Gill's, but
35enough of my self.
37 I was so glad to hear by last post that Theo had arrived safely at the
38Fields, poor Ettie had been very ill but when she wrote was much
39better I hope we shall soon hear good news from them.
41 I must close now dear sister as it is getting dreadfully late do
42answer this as soon as you receive it I shall be so glad to hear from
43you again.
45 With many kisses for the little ones your affectionate
46 Olive
48 PS. Please give my love to Alice & tell her I have written to her but
49have mislaid the letter & can't send it by this post.
Rive's (1987) version of this letter is in a number of respects incorrect.
Rive's (1987) version of this letter is in a number of respects incorrect.