"Woman's work, men & women's qualities, education" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Findlay Family A1199/2307 |
Archive | William Cullen Library, Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 22 July 1883 |
Address From | 3 Beverley Villas, Barnes, London |
Address To | |
Who To | Catherine ('Katie') Findlay nee Schreiner |
Other Versions | Rive 1987: 34-5 |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the William Cullen Library, University of Johannesburg, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Historical Papers.
3 Beverley Villas
2 Barnes
3 July 22 / 83
5 Dear Sister,
7 Many happy returns of your birthday. You are not forgotten by your
8little sister across the water. I hope you have before you many long &
9happy years.
11 How are all the little ones. Is Hudson at home?
13 I am now living close to Town in a very pleasant part, not far from
14Richmond. We are all having a very rainy summer, one can hardly
15realize the want of water at the Cape, in this country where we have
16so much at all times.
18 Dear Fred & Emma are well. Wilfred comes next week to spend some time
19with me. He is a lively boy, & getting on very nicely at school. He
20promises to be very tall, & is growing fast. I am going on the 31st to
21see Kitty Sutton (Fanny Reitze's sister) & her husband off at the
22London Docks. Have you seen any of the Reitzes? I like all the members
23of the family I have seen exceedingly. Kitty Sutton is a charming
24little woman. I shall be very glad when Will & Fan are married. I
25should like to go to their wedding, but the journey is too long.
27 With best love to all your dear little ones & much for yourself,
28 I am, dear sister,
29 Yours affectly,
30 Olive Schreiner
32 Address still to Fred's care as I may be moving my quarters soon.
2 Barnes
3 July 22 / 83
5 Dear Sister,
7 Many happy returns of your birthday. You are not forgotten by your
8little sister across the water. I hope you have before you many long &
9happy years.
11 How are all the little ones. Is Hudson at home?
13 I am now living close to Town in a very pleasant part, not far from
14Richmond. We are all having a very rainy summer, one can hardly
15realize the want of water at the Cape, in this country where we have
16so much at all times.
18 Dear Fred & Emma are well. Wilfred comes next week to spend some time
19with me. He is a lively boy, & getting on very nicely at school. He
20promises to be very tall, & is growing fast. I am going on the 31st to
21see Kitty Sutton (Fanny Reitze's sister) & her husband off at the
22London Docks. Have you seen any of the Reitzes? I like all the members
23of the family I have seen exceedingly. Kitty Sutton is a charming
24little woman. I shall be very glad when Will & Fan are married. I
25should like to go to their wedding, but the journey is too long.
27 With best love to all your dear little ones & much for yourself,
28 I am, dear sister,
29 Yours affectly,
30 Olive Schreiner
32 Address still to Fred's care as I may be moving my quarters soon.
Rive's (1987) version of this letter is in a number of respects incorrect.
Rive's (1987) version of this letter is in a number of respects incorrect.