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Letter ReferenceOlive Schreiner BC16/Box6/Fold1/July-Dec1915/34
ArchiveUniversity of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date22 October 1915
Address FromLlandrindod Wells, Wales
Address To
Who ToCaroline Murray nee Molteno
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections.
1Llandrin [papertorn]
2Oct 22nd 1915
4Dear Mrs Murray
6It has been nice sometimes to have news of you all through May. You
7must be passing through a time of much anxiety about your boys. I’m
8so glad May has had good news about George
10I am leaving on Tuesday for Lon-don, & feel quite heart-achy to leave
11dear May & her sweet little home. I have been so happy here.
13My friend Miss Brackenbury has been staying here for three weeks, &
14you will see from a bit of her letter which I enclose how she also
15feels about this dear little household.
17I have seen all the Parkers since I was here except one sister Nora, &
18like them all especially Gerald the young clergyman.
20Please give my love to Betty & send on this note to her as I haven’t
21time for more letters this week.
23I shall see Miss Hobhouse next week in London. She has just returned
24from Holland.
26I shall stay for some weeks with my friends the Brackenburys at 2
27Campden Hill Sq. I wish you and dear old Ted were still at Palace
28Court, as I shall be only three minutes walk away; I long so to see
29some of my South African friends.
31If ever you are writing my permanent address will still be c/o
32Standard Bank. 10 Clements Lane. Lombard St.
34Now you have May & George & your eldest son over here you ^& Dr Murray^
35ought to come over.
37Yours ever
38Olive Schreiner