"Great is silence, time for silence, time for speech" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold3/1914/3 |
Archive | University of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 16 January 1914 |
Address From | Grand Hotel, Alassio, Italy |
Address To | |
Who To | Betty Molteno |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections. This letter is written on printed headed notepaper.
Le Grand Hotel et D’Alassio
2 Alassio
3 Riviera, Italie
5 Jan 16th 1914
7 Dear Betty
9 I wish so much you or Alice would write a little & tell me how things
10are going in South Africa. Here I get nothing but the "Daily Mail"
11which is all lies. I feel from the news I get as if I ought to go
12straight back at once – but what could I do if I got there? Lie ill
13at the Hotel at Muizenberg. It is terrible to be so helpless. I
14don’t – as far as the native question is concerned – think
15things will come to a point for two years. If you are in the Transvaal
16give my affectionate greetings to Gandi & Kallenbach.
18 I am at Alassio in the Riviera. My darling boy Oliver has returned to
19Europ England & I am alone. I am staying in the old hotel I always
20stayed at here. I’ve a funny little room about as big as an ordinary
21bath room on the third floor, but I’ve got a large window by which
22the sun would come in – if there were any. The cold here is the most
23intense known for 40 years. They are afraid the palm trees will be
24killed or very much injured. The mountains are covered with snow & the
25trees have ice.
27 I shall stay here for two weeks longer & then go back to Florence to
28try Carloni’s treatment for a short time If it does me good I’ll
29continue it, if not I won’t.
31 I am not nearly so well since I got to the continent as I was in
32England, I think the 16 days of perfect rest on board ship had done me
33good, & I was in Dr Corthorn’s delightful little house & surrounded
34with friends. Oh they were so good to me. I shall never forget the
35happiness of those two weeks.
37 Write to me please & ask Alice ?to
38 Olive
40 ^Tell me what your plans are?^
2 Alassio
3 Riviera, Italie
5 Jan 16th 1914
7 Dear Betty
9 I wish so much you or Alice would write a little & tell me how things
10are going in South Africa. Here I get nothing but the "Daily Mail"
11which is all lies. I feel from the news I get as if I ought to go
12straight back at once – but what could I do if I got there? Lie ill
13at the Hotel at Muizenberg. It is terrible to be so helpless. I
14don’t – as far as the native question is concerned – think
15things will come to a point for two years. If you are in the Transvaal
16give my affectionate greetings to Gandi & Kallenbach.
18 I am at Alassio in the Riviera. My darling boy Oliver has returned to
19Europ England & I am alone. I am staying in the old hotel I always
20stayed at here. I’ve a funny little room about as big as an ordinary
21bath room on the third floor, but I’ve got a large window by which
22the sun would come in – if there were any. The cold here is the most
23intense known for 40 years. They are afraid the palm trees will be
24killed or very much injured. The mountains are covered with snow & the
25trees have ice.
27 I shall stay here for two weeks longer & then go back to Florence to
28try Carloni’s treatment for a short time If it does me good I’ll
29continue it, if not I won’t.
31 I am not nearly so well since I got to the continent as I was in
32England, I think the 16 days of perfect rest on board ship had done me
33good, & I was in Dr Corthorn’s delightful little house & surrounded
34with friends. Oh they were so good to me. I shall never forget the
35happiness of those two weeks.
37 Write to me please & ask Alice ?to
38 Olive
40 ^Tell me what your plans are?^