"Life-long unions, ideal unions" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Olive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold2/1913/27 |
Archive | University of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 8 July 1913 |
Address From | De Aar, Northern Cape |
Address To | Sandown Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, Western Cape |
Who To | Betty Molteno |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections. The date of this letter has been derived from the postmark on an attached envelope, which also provides the names of the addressee and the address it was sent to. Schreiner was resident in De Aar from November 1907 until she left South Africa for Britain and Europe in December 1913, with some fairly lengthy visits elsewhere over this time.
Dear Friend
3 Thank you for your letter. Dear Mrs Murray has offered me a little
4cottage on her farm close to Graaff Reinet & I might have gone to see
5if the lower air would relieve me, but my niece Winnie Hemming whom I
6had asked to come & stay with me for two months (I paying her of
7course) can’t come as she’s just taken a situation as teacher at
8Marshes Homes & I can’t go without some one to help me. If I do go to
9Europe in December too, I don’t want to leave Cron for a day if I can
10struggle on here. He says he is not going to Europe just yet.
12 Emily Hobhouse is perhaps coming out to unveil the Monument to the
13Boer women at Bloemfontein, & she writes she wants me to come back
14with her as she has a little maid who would she says help to take care
15of us both. I shall not be able to stay more than a few days in
16England in the winter & shall go on at once, I think to Italy to the
17Riviera. If you are home in Geneva before I go, would you do something
18for me. Go to Clarens & call at Hotel Roth. It is (or was!) a str
19smallish Hotel on the side of the lake, the lake washing its walls.
20Only Germans & Russians used to go there. If you can find it would you
21ask what the terms are for an upstairs room over looking the lake. I
22had the end room which I liked best & would you write & tell me. I
23shall give you my London address. It was very cheap in the old days,
24but 28 years is a long time. It may not exist now. I fear I shall find
25all changed, as much as I am.
27 I am glad all goes so well with the children. Give my dear love to
28Lucy when you write.
30 Thine ever.
31 Olive
33 Have you any of the Montessori books, I’m so interest in the system.
3 Thank you for your letter. Dear Mrs Murray has offered me a little
4cottage on her farm close to Graaff Reinet & I might have gone to see
5if the lower air would relieve me, but my niece Winnie Hemming whom I
6had asked to come & stay with me for two months (I paying her of
7course) can’t come as she’s just taken a situation as teacher at
8Marshes Homes & I can’t go without some one to help me. If I do go to
9Europe in December too, I don’t want to leave Cron for a day if I can
10struggle on here. He says he is not going to Europe just yet.
12 Emily Hobhouse is perhaps coming out to unveil the Monument to the
13Boer women at Bloemfontein, & she writes she wants me to come back
14with her as she has a little maid who would she says help to take care
15of us both. I shall not be able to stay more than a few days in
16England in the winter & shall go on at once, I think to Italy to the
17Riviera. If you are home in Geneva before I go, would you do something
18for me. Go to Clarens & call at Hotel Roth. It is (or was!) a str
19smallish Hotel on the side of the lake, the lake washing its walls.
20Only Germans & Russians used to go there. If you can find it would you
21ask what the terms are for an upstairs room over looking the lake. I
22had the end room which I liked best & would you write & tell me. I
23shall give you my London address. It was very cheap in the old days,
24but 28 years is a long time. It may not exist now. I fear I shall find
25all changed, as much as I am.
27 I am glad all goes so well with the children. Give my dear love to
28Lucy when you write.
30 Thine ever.
31 Olive
33 Have you any of the Montessori books, I’m so interest in the system.
The 'Montessori books' include Maria Montessori (1912) The Montessori Method London: Heinemann.
The 'Montessori books' include Maria Montessori (1912) The Montessori Method London: Heinemann.