"John Bruce Glasier, he has done so much for the cause" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceOlive Schreiner BC16/Box5/Fold1/1912/56
ArchiveUniversity of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter DateMonday 16 December 1912
Address FromCape Town, Western Cape
Address ToKenilworth House, Kenilworth, Cape Town, Western Cape
Who ToCaroline Murray nee Molteno
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The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections. The date has been written on this letter in an unknown hand. The address the letter was sent to is provided by an attached envelope, the postmark on which is illegible. Schreiner was in Cape Town from late November 1912 to early January 1913 and then in Muizenberg until early April 1913.
1 Monday
3 Dear Mrs Murray
5 I’ve been wanting to come & see you, but this heat makes it so
6difficult to get about. I’ll try to come some day this week if my
7sister-in-law can let me have her little trap.
9 I wonder where Betty & Miss Greene are? Cape Town is such a difficult
10place in which to get at ones friends.
12 It’s rather interesting to know how Botha & the politicians are
13going to re-arrange themselves! I suppose we shall have news soon.
15 Your ever
16 Olive Schreiner