"Writing process, 'Prelude', 'Peter Halket', you can't alter the pictures as they come to you" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceOlive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold3/1910/28
ArchiveUniversity of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date20 December 1910
Address FromPortlock, Graaff-Reinet, Eastern Cape
Address To
Who ToWilliam Philip ('Will') Schreiner
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections.
1 Portlock
2 nr. Graaff Reinet
3 Dec 20 / 10
5 Dear old Man
7 I hope you are getting away for a real holiday somewhere; but perhaps
8you are waiting till Xmas & New Year are over.
10 I am very anxious to hear how our folk have done at their exams. I
11feel sure Will & Oliver will pass, but our dear little lass is with
12all her great mental gifts (I think in many ways she the most gifted
13of all your children) has not an exam order of mind. I do hope if she
14fails you will encourage her to go on.
16 I’m still doing well here - not so bloomingly well as last month
17when the weather cooler, but still able to work a bit.
19 Within a few minutes you can get quite out of sight of the farmhouse,
20& look over the edge of the mountain across the valleys & the immense
21flats & blue mountains that fade away like the sea. The Murrays are
22most kind, & the three children most interesting. How beautiful life
23would be if we could live on a farm like this.
25 Dear old J X seems making a good stand in parliament. I’m going to
26write him an Xmas letter. My great anxiety is as to the future defence
27force. I send you some cuttings of from the "Leader" which rather
28painful give an echo to the forebodings of my heart.
30 When we had our woman’s meeting at Graaff Reinet Mr Albertein the
31Dutch minister got up & made the most out spoken speech I ever heard a
32Dutch man make in a largely English audience. I’ll send you a copy
33of the newspaper report of the meeting if I can get over hold of it.
34He wishes for the vote for woman in South Africa, though he is opposed
35to it generally because it will give the Dutch preponderance over
37^the English. Good bye my dear old Pal. If you ever write to Adela
mention how very grateful I feel to her husband for doing all
39the business for me with Unwin. He has written some scores of letters
40for me & will of course charge me nothing. He must be a real good sort.
41 Constance Lytton is slowly improving. ^
43 Olive
44 A good new year dear.