"Woman's best time for work is after 50" Read the full letter
Bodleian Libraries Special Collections: Schreiner’s few remaining letters to Frank (or Harriet) Colenso, to Alfred Milner and to Cecil Rhodes are part of the large and well-documented Colenso papers and Milner and Rhodes collections in the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford. The website for Special Collections is a mine of information, and detailed finding aids can be accessed online. For the Special Collections generally, see http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/libraries/collections
OxfordMilner: Special Collections, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
Milner Papers, dep. 213, ff. 288-290: Wagenaar’s Kraal, Three Sisters, May 23 / 00, Dear Sir Alfred Milner, You will no doubt be surprised at my writing to y...
OxfordColenso: Bodleian Library of Commonwealth and African Studies, Rhodes House, University of Oxford
Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 1-3: de Aar, Sept 23rd Sept 1908, My dear Friend, Thank you for your letter., I don’t think you can dream how my thoughts ar...
OxfordMilner: Special Collections, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
Milner Papers, dep. 210, ff. 396-7: Box 406, Johannesburg, Dear Sir Alfred Milner, I wrote you a letter of 16 sheets yesterday, but thinking it over it seems, wh...
Milner Papers, dep. 46, ff. 183-184: 9 Porchester Place, Edgware Rd, W., July 3rd 1919, Dear Lord Milner, My sister-law showed me your note to her. I valued it mo...
OxfordColenso: Bodleian Library of Commonwealth and African Studies, Rhodes House, University of Oxford
Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 7-9: Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., Telephone: 3675 Kensington. Telegram: Apartment, London, Dear Mr...
Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 6: Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., Telephone: 3675 Kensington. Telegram: Apartment, London, Dear Mr...
Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 4-5: Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., Telephone: 3675 Kensington. Telegram: Apartment, London, Saturda...
Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 16-17: 9 Porchester Place, Edgeware Rd, London, April 1st 1919, Dear Mrs Colenso, It is ages since I had any news of any of you. I o...
Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 10: Dear Mrs Colenso, I hope you got my letter explaining my being out when you came. They told me you I had hardly gone when I r...
Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 13: Dear Mrs Colenso, I am so sorry I gave away all the copies of Colonal Maudes article. It was in the Evening Standard a short ...
Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 14: I shall be very glad to see you at 4 on Thursday I don’t generally leave my room till after one as I’m not very w...
Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 11-12: Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel, De Vere Gardens, W., Telephone: 3675 Kensington. Telegram: Apartment, London, Dear Mr...
Colenso Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 1293/8, 18: 30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington, London W, Tuesday Monday, Dear Mrs Colenso, I return the cards., I am glad to have ne...
OxfordMilner: Special Collections, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
Milner Papers, dep. 209, ff. 278-280: Box 406, Johannesburg, May 30th 1899, Dear Sir Alfred Milner,, I have much wished to see you or to write to you. I have tried...
OxfordRhodes: Bodleian Library of Commonwealth and African Studies, Rhodes House, University of Oxford
Rhodes Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 228, C28 (5-6) 40: Dear Mr Rhodes, I am afraid to speak to you so I must write this line to tell you how very sorry I was I troubled you with th...
Rhodes Papers, MSS. Afr. s. 228, C27 (142) 12: Dear Mr Rhodes, I shall be leaving Cape Town in about a fortnight. I want to have a talk with you before I go, as I may not h...