"Will Schreiner's political duty, difficulty of finding path of duty,' Peter Halket' & lay aside ambition" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceLevine Collection/18
ArchiveRonald Levine Collection, Johannesburg
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date2 September 1913
Address FromDe Aar, Northern Cape
Address To
Who ToRamsden Balmsforth
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to Ronald Levine for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of the Ronald Levine Collection. The Balmsforths are mentioned in various letters which indicate that Schreiner knew them over a period of years; Ramsden Balmsforth was a Unitarian clergyman who opposed the South African war, but no further information about the Balmsforths has been established. The pamphlet referred to cannot be traced.
1De Aar
2Sep 2nd 1913
4Dear Mr Balmsforth
6Would it be possible you to get me a copy of ?Markrystals pamphlet for
7which he has got 4 months & hard labour. I want to write about it but
8can’t do so till I’ve seen it. When you think of the things ?Castens &
9other swells in England are saying & writing – rank treason – one
10wonders whether ?Markrystals pamphlet is so much more:
12Yours ever
13Olive Schreiner
15^I know no one in Jo’burg whom I could ask to get me the pamphlet^