"Trying to help Will Schreiner politically; I want 'She wrote Peter Halket' on my grave; it's what it cost me" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceJeffreys A1657/266/2
ArchiveWestern Cape Provincial Archives and Records Service, Cape Town
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Datend
Address Fromna
Address To
Who ToMrs Hadden
Other Versions
PermissionsPlease read before using or citing this transcription
The Project is grateful to the Western Cape Archives & Records Service for allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letters.
1Dear Mrs Hadden
3No, I have no “At Home” day. My health is so uncertain that all my
4friends might often come & I not be able to see them. But couldn’t you
5& Mr Hadden come down sometimes in the evening? We are in every
6evening, as I am seldom able to go out at night, & I think one enjoys
7a chat in the evening better than any time. I am returning the books,
8with many thanks, & also many thanks for the lovely flowers.
10Yours very sincerely
11Olive Schreiner
13Please tell Mr Hadden I have some more of Carpenters books he can have
14when he has done with those, if he would like to see them. Our books
15have just arrived.
There is no information which enables this letter to be assigned a date.