"Solitude, change, work" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceOlive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold6/1907/6
ArchiveUniversity of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date26 March 1907
Address FromHanover, Northern Cape
Address To
Who ToAlice Greene
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections. The name of the addressee of this letter is indicated by salutation and content.
1 Hanover
2 March 26th 1907
4 My darling Friend
6 My brother Will & Dot his eldest daughter sailed for England last week
7Dot is going to England for a year to stay at Newnham College. If
8you are at Cambridge any time I would be so glad if you could go & see
9her, & perhaps ask her to come & spend a day with you at Harston. I
10would like her so to get to know you & Miss Greene. She’s just in a
11critical stage of her mental development. She’s such a splendid girl
12naturally, & I want her so much to see more of a larger ?deeper life
13than the little cape suburban life while she is in England. She longs
14for it too.
16 I wish in the vacation she could meet you & Miss Molteno somewhere on
17the continent & spend a week or so with you. My brother will give her
18plenty of money to travel with, but she won’t have any one to go
19about with.
21 My brother’s address while he is in England will be c/o the Agent
22General of the Cape, 110 Victoria Street, London, W.
24 Sent this note on to Miss Molteno. I want to write her a long letter
25but I’m ill. I can’t write much.
27 I am still living alone here. I would go somewhere else to get better
28if I knew where to go to.
30 Good bye, dear one. I long so to hear you are free of that house in
31Norwich, & that you & Miss Molteno are have a splendid time travelling
32on the continent.
34 Good bye dear heart.
35 Olive