"James Rose Innes in broader political life, O advises" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Olive Schreiner BC16/Box3/Fold1/1902/15 |
Archive | University of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 25 May 1902 |
Address From | Hanover, Northern Cape |
Address To | |
Who To | John Brown |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections.
2 May 25 / 02
4 My dear Dr Brown
6 I hope you are all having a good time in England, but I hope you will
7all get safely back to some sunnier place before the winter sets in.
9 We are having just glorious weather here, sharp frost at night so that
10the water left in the yard is solid ice to the bottom of the can; but
11in the day the sun shines & it is bright & warm as long as one is out
12in the sun. To-day was Sunday so Cron didn’t go to his office & we
13took a kettle & a frying pan & some chops & coffee, & spent most of
14the day on the other side of a little kopje outside of the village
15where we couldn’t see the village, which was nice; it was all veld &
16we were so happy. All one’s cares seem so small out in the veld,
17publishers & everything else! A sort of "God’s in his heaven All’s
18well with the world," is what one feels.
20 J My meerkats are well, & sweeter, & dearer every day. The two dogs
21are well except that Neta my best beloved has got rheumatism in her
22hind leg & its getting drawn up, so that she now always walks on three
23legs. I am going to try giving her ?salisilate of soda, but I have
24less & less faith in drugs for men or dogs. We have had an out break
25of vaccination here, & the consequence is that
27^many people are seriously ill. The ?quiet I’m agin’ vaccination
28you know! I’ve been able to work a little at my 6th chapter the last
29days again, & hope I shall get on a bit, if this fine weather
30continues. ^
32 This is all the news I can write tonight but if we were all sitting
33together in the body what great buck-waggon loads I should have to
34give you.
36 Good bye. I hope you’ll have a real fine time in England. Any how it
37will be nice to see dear little ?Jully again.
39 Love to you all,
40 Olive
2 May 25 / 02
4 My dear Dr Brown
6 I hope you are all having a good time in England, but I hope you will
7all get safely back to some sunnier place before the winter sets in.
9 We are having just glorious weather here, sharp frost at night so that
10the water left in the yard is solid ice to the bottom of the can; but
11in the day the sun shines & it is bright & warm as long as one is out
12in the sun. To-day was Sunday so Cron didn’t go to his office & we
13took a kettle & a frying pan & some chops & coffee, & spent most of
14the day on the other side of a little kopje outside of the village
15where we couldn’t see the village, which was nice; it was all veld &
16we were so happy. All one’s cares seem so small out in the veld,
17publishers & everything else! A sort of "God’s in his heaven All’s
18well with the world," is what one feels.
20 J My meerkats are well, & sweeter, & dearer every day. The two dogs
21are well except that Neta my best beloved has got rheumatism in her
22hind leg & its getting drawn up, so that she now always walks on three
23legs. I am going to try giving her ?salisilate of soda, but I have
24less & less faith in drugs for men or dogs. We have had an out break
25of vaccination here, & the consequence is that
27^many people are seriously ill. The ?quiet I’m agin’ vaccination
28you know! I’ve been able to work a little at my 6th chapter the last
29days again, & hope I shall get on a bit, if this fine weather
30continues. ^
32 This is all the news I can write tonight but if we were all sitting
33together in the body what great buck-waggon loads I should have to
34give you.
36 Good bye. I hope you’ll have a real fine time in England. Any how it
37will be nice to see dear little ?Jully again.
39 Love to you all,
40 Olive
The 'sixth chapter' that Schreiner is working on is likely to concern From Man to Man.
The 'sixth chapter' that Schreiner is working on is likely to concern From Man to Man.