"Influence & marriage" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Olive Schreiner BC16/Box1/Fold5/1898/34 |
Archive | University of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 16 October 1898 |
Address From | na |
Address To | Girls Collegiate School, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape |
Who To | Betty Molteno |
Other Versions | Rive 1987: 336-7 |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections. The date of this letter has been derived from the postmark on an attached envelope, while the name of the addressee and the address it was sent to are on its front.
Box 2 Johannesburg
3 Dear Friend,
5 Yes isn’t the news comforting. It seems to ease even physical pain.
6I know my dear Laddie will do his best; if we can only move a little
7in the right direction it is something. I wish his heart were stronger.
9 I enclose a cutting from an English paper, which please return.
11 Oh dear one I’d like to be a little child & do nothing but I must
12work & yet I can’t!! That’s the curious circle. I am trying to
13copy out & revise one article that is practically quite done, but must
14be gone over, & when I have worked a few seconds I get quite faint &
15don’t know what I am doing! I must just revise a couple more
16articles & then I can bring the book of Stray Thoughts out, & get 750
17£750 for it, & then I’ll rest for two years & do nothing & be so
18happy. & yet the worst is I can’t understand my own writing now,
19it’s so awfully clever!! How wide awake that person must have been
20who wrote it! It quite unreadable
22 Perhaps if he can succeed in getting some ^the^ work he wants here, my
23darling Boy will come up from Kimberley next week, & we shall stay
24here for good.
26 I have very good news about the Governor. A young barrister wrote Cron
27that, that the Governor was disgusted with Rhodes & Sprigg, & felt
28they had taken him in & misled him. I hope they will tax diamonds, & I
29do hope your brother will yet get in for Tembu Land.
31 Love to my dear Miss Green. If we live up here you must come up some
32day. The town is terrible but there is a little house up on the cliff
33almost quite out of the town, & if we can get to live there it will be
34quite lovely. Miss Green & Cron could go splendid trips among the
35lovely plantations on their bikes.
37 Good bye dear,
38 Olive
40 Address
41 c/o Rev J T Lloyd
42 Hospital Hill
44 as I may be moving to another boarding house. I’m reading Grimm’s
45Fairy Tales: they are so nice, & don’t excite one.
3 Dear Friend,
5 Yes isn’t the news comforting. It seems to ease even physical pain.
6I know my dear Laddie will do his best; if we can only move a little
7in the right direction it is something. I wish his heart were stronger.
9 I enclose a cutting from an English paper, which please return.
11 Oh dear one I’d like to be a little child & do nothing but I must
12work & yet I can’t!! That’s the curious circle. I am trying to
13copy out & revise one article that is practically quite done, but must
14be gone over, & when I have worked a few seconds I get quite faint &
15don’t know what I am doing! I must just revise a couple more
16articles & then I can bring the book of Stray Thoughts out, & get 750
17£750 for it, & then I’ll rest for two years & do nothing & be so
18happy. & yet the worst is I can’t understand my own writing now,
19it’s so awfully clever!! How wide awake that person must have been
20who wrote it! It quite unreadable
22 Perhaps if he can succeed in getting some ^the^ work he wants here, my
23darling Boy will come up from Kimberley next week, & we shall stay
24here for good.
26 I have very good news about the Governor. A young barrister wrote Cron
27that, that the Governor was disgusted with Rhodes & Sprigg, & felt
28they had taken him in & misled him. I hope they will tax diamonds, & I
29do hope your brother will yet get in for Tembu Land.
31 Love to my dear Miss Green. If we live up here you must come up some
32day. The town is terrible but there is a little house up on the cliff
33almost quite out of the town, & if we can get to live there it will be
34quite lovely. Miss Green & Cron could go splendid trips among the
35lovely plantations on their bikes.
37 Good bye dear,
38 Olive
40 Address
41 c/o Rev J T Lloyd
42 Hospital Hill
44 as I may be moving to another boarding house. I’m reading Grimm’s
45Fairy Tales: they are so nice, & don’t excite one.
Rive's (1987) version of this letter has been misdated, omits part of the letter, and it is also in a number of respects incorrect.
Rive's (1987) version of this letter has been misdated, omits part of the letter, and it is also in a number of respects incorrect.