"Your dear eyes, I know dear" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Schreiner-Hemming Family BC 1080 A1.7/97 |
Archive | University of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Lettercard |
Letter Date | 22 July 1907 |
Address From | Cape Town, Western Cape |
Address To | The Highlands, Gardens, Cape Town, Western Cape |
Who To | Henrietta (‘Ettie’) Schreiner m. Stakesby Lewis (1891) |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner lettercard, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections. The date of this letter-card is provided by the postmark and the address it was sent to is on its front. The place the postcard was sent from is indicated by content.
My darling
3 I did not go to the Burial Ground today as I had your letter. I will
4meet you at the station tomorrow ^on Sunday^ afternoon next about 2.30.
5If I’m not there wait. I shall be sure to come. Of course if it’s
6raining we can’t go. Darling you didn’t understand about Guy. What
7Will longs for is to help you. Whether it help's Guy or not doesn’t
8make any difference to him; What if it eases your dear mind, to think
9you had done all for him that you think may help. If I only had the
10money I would give it you at once, though I’m quite sure it
11wouldn’t help Guy, but it would be the only way I could help you;
12you, who have done so much for us all, whose life is so precious to
13Will & me; as it is to hundreds.
15 Olive
3 I did not go to the Burial Ground today as I had your letter. I will
4meet you at the station tomorrow ^on Sunday^ afternoon next about 2.30.
5If I’m not there wait. I shall be sure to come. Of course if it’s
6raining we can’t go. Darling you didn’t understand about Guy. What
7Will longs for is to help you. Whether it help's Guy or not doesn’t
8make any difference to him; What if it eases your dear mind, to think
9you had done all for him that you think may help. If I only had the
10money I would give it you at once, though I’m quite sure it
11wouldn’t help Guy, but it would be the only way I could help you;
12you, who have done so much for us all, whose life is so precious to
13Will & me; as it is to hundreds.
15 Olive