"Half-dead but into action" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceKarl Pearson 840/4/2/40
ArchiveUniversity College London Library, Special Collections, UCL, London
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date After Start: 22 March 1886 ; Before End: 24 March 1886
Address FromOxford House, Southbourne, Dorset
Address To
Who ToKarl Pearson
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to University College London (UCL) and its Library Services for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Special Collections. The date of this letter has been written on in an unknown hand. The name of the addressee is indicated by content and archival location.
1 Oxford House
2 Southbourne-on-Sea
4 The enclosed will show you what kind of woman Mrs Philpot is – not
5clever, but intelligent.
7 You will love my Eleanor I know.
9 Don’t get better. I am going to live in the Convent at Harrow with
10the dear nuns, at the top of the hill! I shall be coming up in a
11fortnights’ time. No one can come & see me there.
13 Yours ever
14 The wandering-Jew
16 Do you leave on the 10th