"Hounding of Mashona, evil keeps begetting itself, mills of God" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Karl Pearson 840/4/1/31-34 |
Archive | University College London Library, Special Collections, UCL, London |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | Saturday 26 September 1885 |
Address From | 16 Portsea Place, Westminster, London |
Address To | |
Who To | Karl Pearson |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to University College London (UCL) and its Library Services for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Special Collections. The date of this letter has been written on in an unknown hand. Schreiner was resident in Portsea Place from early August to late October 1885.
3 My dear Mr Pearson
5 Miss Sharp has just left me. We have had a delightful talk. I have
6seldom spoken to any one whose mind seems so open & clear on these
7subjects; I am sure no man or woman had fear that she would regard
8what they said from a narrow stand point. She seems to have (a rare
9quality in a woman owing to her narrower life!) a very impartial mind.
10I am so glad she came. She I think would be able to write us a paper,
11probably a better one than mine. I know I can write stories, but I
12don’t think I write papers well. The Doctor has ordered me not even
13to rea write letters for a week so, I am going to do nothing but
14unreadable ^look^ for dissipation. When you have an hour to spare I
15shall be ^very^ glad to see ^you &^ tell you what I think of Mary Wols. I
16shall read the book tomorrow morning.
18 I go to see the Socialist in the afternoon & perhaps perhaps I may see
19you there. Dr Donkin says Mr Parker has asked him to come as a visitor
20to the next meeting; I should like my friend friend Henry Ellis to
21come. Shall send the name to Miss Sharp.
23 Yours very sincerely
24 Olive Schreiner
25 ^
26I am reading Mr Parker’s notes on your paper & am much interested.
28 Thankyou for your note. I think Mrs Wilson’s letter one of the most
29interesting I ever read. Would you mind my reading some of the last
30part to Dr Donkin? I won’t till I hear from you.^
32 ^Any afternoon next week I shall be in in the evening I am going to
3 My dear Mr Pearson
5 Miss Sharp has just left me. We have had a delightful talk. I have
6seldom spoken to any one whose mind seems so open & clear on these
7subjects; I am sure no man or woman had fear that she would regard
8what they said from a narrow stand point. She seems to have (a rare
9quality in a woman owing to her narrower life!) a very impartial mind.
10I am so glad she came. She I think would be able to write us a paper,
11probably a better one than mine. I know I can write stories, but I
12don’t think I write papers well. The Doctor has ordered me not even
13to rea write letters for a week so, I am going to do nothing but
14unreadable ^look^ for dissipation. When you have an hour to spare I
15shall be ^very^ glad to see ^you &^ tell you what I think of Mary Wols. I
16shall read the book tomorrow morning.
18 I go to see the Socialist in the afternoon & perhaps perhaps I may see
19you there. Dr Donkin says Mr Parker has asked him to come as a visitor
20to the next meeting; I should like my friend friend Henry Ellis to
21come. Shall send the name to Miss Sharp.
23 Yours very sincerely
24 Olive Schreiner
25 ^
26I am reading Mr Parker’s notes on your paper & am much interested.
28 Thankyou for your note. I think Mrs Wilson’s letter one of the most
29interesting I ever read. Would you mind my reading some of the last
30part to Dr Donkin? I won’t till I hear from you.^
32 ^Any afternoon next week I shall be in in the evening I am going to
'Mary Wols' refers to Mary Wollstonecraft (1792) A Vindication of the Rights of Woman London: J. Johnson.
'Mary Wols' refers to Mary Wollstonecraft (1792) A Vindication of the Rights of Woman London: J. Johnson.