"War stuff all around" Read the full letter
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University College London: Special Collections at UCL is one of the leading university collections of manuscripts, archives and rare books in the UK. Its website is detailed and includes a searchable catalogue of its manuscript collections. Read more...
collection icon UCLOStoECobb: University College London Library, Special Collections, UCL, London
letter icon Elisabeth Cobb 840/1/1: Alexandra House, Denmark Place, Hastings , Dec 21 / 84, My dear Mrs Cobb, Thank you for Matthew Arnold’s speech: it int...
letter icon Elisabeth Cobb 840/1/2: 4 Robertson Ter, Hastings, Jan 9 / 85, Dear Mrs Cobb, Thankyou very much for for Mr Pearson’s lecture. It would be diff...
letter icon Elisabeth Cobb 840/1/3: 4 Robertson Terrace, Hastings, Jan 19th 1885, My dear Mrs Cobb, Thank you very much for your letters. I think I quite underst...
letter icon Elisabeth Cobb 840/1/4: 19 Charlotte St, Feb 12 / 85., My dear Mrs Cobb, I am going to ask Miss Lord to come on Thursday afternoon. I think you said ...
letter icon Elisabeth Cobb 840/1/5: Hastings, March 25 / 85, Dear Mrs Cobb, Miss Müller has written to ask me if you would let her see Karl Pearson’s ...
letter icon Elisabeth Cobb 840/1/6: 4 Robertson Terrace, April , My dear Mrs Cobb , Thank you for your letter. Will you please send me another copy of that pam. ...
letter icon Elisabeth Cobb 840/1/7: Sunday , Dear Mrs Cobb, I return the books. Both interested me much. They are both young, but they have that noble power &...

collection icon UCLOStoKPearson: University College London Library, Special Collections, UCL, London
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/1-2: 41 Upper Baker St, Wednesday , My dear Mr Pearson, If possible I shall be there on the 9th. My life is such a whirl, (Did you...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/3-4: My dear Mr Pearson, Just when I’d posted my note yours came. , The 9th will suit me well if I am still in Town; but you...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/5: 9 Blandford Square, Saturday, My dear Mr Pearson, I shall not have a minute to write the short sketch. I think yours will be ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/8-10: 9 Blandford Sq, Sunday., Dear Mr Pearson, Thursday or Wednesday will suit me, & the evening as well as the aftenoon. I am...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/11-14: Dear Mr Pearson, So very sorry I did not see you yesterday morning Have written to tell Miss Sharpe I am coming on Friday. Ar...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/21-26: Sunday, My dear Mr Pearson , Thankyou very much for your letter. When I came home I carried on our conversation for an hour o...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/15-16: 16 Portsea Place , Tuesday night, My dear Mr Pearson , I am almost always at home in the evening, but if you could send me a ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/17-20: 16 Portsea Place, Connaught Sq, W. , Tuesday , My dear Mr Pearson , Miss Müller (to whom I sent your paper) is very anxi...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/27-28: 16 Portsea Place, Connaught Sq, Sep 23 / 85, My dear Mr Pearson, Thankyou very much for your letter. It was not any one of th...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/29-30: Thursday night, My dear Mr Pearson, I am afraid you thought I was very rude to you this evening. , I’ve had a good deal...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/31-34: Saturday , My dear Mr Pearson, Miss Sharp has just left me. We have had a delightful talk. I have seldom spoken to any one wh...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/35-36: Friday , My dear Mr Pearson, The two last leave 3 & 4 f express most exactly my own feelings. I also sympathize most stro...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/37-38: Tuesday, My dear Mr Pearson , Müller & I & a Mr Martin & perhaps Dr Donkin are going up the river in her boa...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/39-40: We have just given up the river because we feared it would be wet & cold on Sunday. Did I give you the address 86 Portlan...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/41-42: 16 Portsea Place, Connaught Sq, Oct 9 / 85, I am feeling somewhat troubled about what you said last night. I would pain me de...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/43-53: Dear Mr Pearson , I made a mistake so we all went to 86 Portland Pl. & had to go down to the club. Miss Müller was v...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/54-55: Saturday , Dear Mr Pearson , Thank you for your letter. I am not able to answer it because I have to fight against everything...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/56-58: [page/s missing] I would like to meet Mrs Wilson somewhere at tea; if that was what you meant: was it? , I am leaving for Dov...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/59-61: 9 Blandford Sq, I liked to come very much yesterday. How nice your little room is with all it’s brown books. I liked Mr...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/62-63: 9 Blandford Sq, Wednesday, I am sorry I can’t remember Mr Parker’s address. I have been much interested in the pa...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/64-69: 9 Blandford Sq, Thursday , I hope you did not mind what I said about your paper; did you? I got quite unhappy thinking about ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/70-73: Friday , Thank you for the letter. I had a nice note from her this morning. I do feel intense interest in "the Russians". for...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/74-76: Sunday night, After I got into the cab with Miss Müller she said all the women’s papers were first rate &c. I ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/77-78: Monday night, I send back Aspasia Thank you very much for it. Have you any book about that woman whose pictures you showed me...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/79-81: 9 Blandford Sq, Thursday night, I send you my old copy of Emerson. Don’t read it of course if you’re not inclined...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/82-84: 9 Blandford Sq, Thursday , Could you let me have again (it’s only for myself) your reply to Mr Parker’s criticism...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/85-86: Sat. night, My dear Mr Pearson, I shall be glad to see you on Monday. Will you kindly address this letter to Mrs Wilson as I ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/87-88: Dear Mr Pearson, You need not think I shall repeat what you said. I exercise a large discretion with regard to the things tha...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/91: Thursday at 5 will suit me. If I should not come don’t wait. , Thank you for the lecture. I sympathize more with the un...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/92-95: Private , I write as I may not have time to speak. Would you care to come to a New Life meeting on the 21st. It is to be held...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/89-90: Sat. night, I haven’t been able to go about with the Ruskin paper because I’ve not been well all the week. Pleas ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/97-98: Sat night, I send you Mrs Walter’s letter. I have been thinking about Hinton. We, I, must not be too bitter against him...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/96: [page/s missing], There is something very pathetic to me in the fact that as Hinton was in his dying state he cried out that ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/99-102: Tuesday night, You surely are to be trusted. I have felt much pained by some thing, I have heard you have said. What Mrs Walt...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/106-107: My dear Mr Pearson, Thank you for the pamphlets. The Ethic of Freethought I like best of all your writings that I have seen. ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/103: There will, I think, be a letter mine in the Daily News tomorrow. (Thursday). I hope you are having a good Xmas time. , O.S. ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/104: Thursday , Glad to see you tomorrow, any time after 8. Want to talk over my Daily News letter with you. Going to spend tomorr...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/1/105: Note , In the foregoing paper, the main points with regard to woman’s position & nature which it might be desirable...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/5-6: 9 Blandford Sq, Monday night, It may seem strange that I have a certain sharp satisfaction at the thought of receiving money ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/4: The New Life meeting was very interesting. I wanted you to have been there. I leave for Shanklin in the Isle of Wight next Fr...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/1-3: Dear Mr Pearson, In the hurry of going down to Brighton & other business I have quite forgotten to say that I must be qui...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/7-10: Royal Spa Hotel, Shanklin, I of W., Sunday morning, I did not think my letter was difficult to understand not so difficult as...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/11-12: [page/s missing] I am sorry to say I fully agree with your letter. Had a long letter from Ray yesterday on the woman question...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/13: I think Miss E would make a splendid member of the club. She would do well on the committee if you have not yet someone else....
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/14-17: Royal Spa Hotel , Shanklin , Thankyou a great deal for your letter. It was the only time I’ve laughed since I came here...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/18-19: Shanklin, Saturday , My dear Karl Pearson, Your letter was good for me. I can’t write now. I am in a good deal of troub...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/20-25: Tuesday night, I have had three very terrible dreams in my life that have printed themselves upon me as a part of my life. I ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/26-29: 5 Sea View Terrace, West Hill Rd., Bournemouth, Feb 18 / 86, I should much have liked to hear Mr Parker’s paper. Have y...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/30: Have just opened my Emerson & found a ticket for the Sunday Lecture. Please excuse imbecility of last note. Been ill in b...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/31-32: Somerset House Bournemouth, Feb 5 / 86, Dear Mr Pearson , I’ve not heard of you from any one for a great while. I hope ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/33-35: Somerset House, Bath Rd, Sunday night, Would you care to meet my friend Eleanor Marx Aveling? She is a woman of genius though...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/36: What is the book’s exact name, & when will it be out? , O.S., My feeling about R. is like yours. I wish you knew mo...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/37: Tuesday evening, You must feel as if a great weight had rolled off you. You will perhaps feel better in health now that is do...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/38-39: Friday night, I didn’t mean I wouldn’t help "men" if I could, I meant anybody. , I like Miss Easty’s letter...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/41: I have read that paper. I think it splendid. Who is the woman? It’s the best paper by a woman I’ve ever read. I a...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/42: I want much to write notes on paper, but don’t like to keep it longer now. Please send it back to me some time. Please ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/40: Oxford House, Southbourne-on-Sea, The enclosed will show you what kind of woman Mrs Philpot is – not clever, but intell...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/43-44: Oxford House, South Bourne-on-Sea, March 23 / 86, Dear K.P. , I return the book. Many thanks. If you come across something ve...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/45-49: St Dominic’s. , Mutrix Rd., Kilburn N.W., Sunday afternoon , I have just come back from a solitary walk into the countr...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/50-51: St Dominics Convent, Kilburn, Monday, Dear Mr Pearson, I sent you that MS. not because I thought it good, but because I thoug...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/52-53: St Dominics Convent , Mutrix Rd, Kilburn, There is to be at 7 o’clock Monday eve. next, at 1 Adam St, Adelphi, Strand, ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/54-56: St Dominics Convent, Monday, I think that one of the things most difficult of attainment & found only in the men & wo...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/57-59: Convent, Wed. night., I think if you read your paper & Parker’s criticism together, they would form the most valuab...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/60: The New Life is going to spend tomorrow afternoon (Saturday) in the woods at "Merstham." Most of them will come down by the 5...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/61-62: The Convent., Harrow-on-the-Hill , No, I can’t write. I am having to hold myself in. I don’t like you to run your...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/64-68: Convent, Monday morning , I think Carpenter is coming this afternoon to go for a walk with me. Shall ask him. , Have forgotte...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/63: Thanks for letting me know you didn’t want to be interrupted just now. I am reserving my notes on the sex question till...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/69-70: Enclosed has not much in it, but may interest you. I think the club might have a very important secondary influence on visito...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/73-78: Convent, Thursday, To say what I want about your paper would be to write another. , Shortly – I think the first part se...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/79-80: The Convent, Saturday night , Why did you never tell me about these lectures before? Have they been printed? I knew that you ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/81-87: The Convent, Wednesday, Thank you for the paper. I send it with this. What I feel is that sometimes you are putting too great...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/88-89: The Convent, Friday morning , My criticisms of your paper have been nasty & carping, but it has been because I feel your ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/90-91: Sunday night , My dear Mr Pearson , I have spent today not in telling stories to children, but with an older child, a prostit...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/92-93: The Convent, No; I shan’t. (This with regard to the play.). , //You are right & you are wrong about Carpenter. When...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/96-99: Private OS, Note from Miss Müller this evening asking me to arrange for her to go & visit Carpenter on his farm! We’...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/2/94-95: Dear K.P. , I am telegraphing to know whether you are not coming this afternoon My reason for doing so is that I have an idea...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/2-12: The Convent, Friday , My dear K.P. , You say the senses of taste & touch seem to have no intellectual side, & so you...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/13-16: Sat. night , You have now seen the astonishing spectacle of the 300 collegiate females, & are enjoying supper with now wi...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/17-21: The Convent, Tuesday night, I cannot enter into the whole question, only touch one point. , If the course of action which liv...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/22-26: The Convent, Friday night, , I am writing to ask you a favour. When I have the first printed proof sheets of my book complet...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/28: I think Mrs Cobb’s letter to the electors good, not because of its value to working people, but to women of the upper c...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/29: Monday , Please send the mother age evidence. I am ready to be convinced. If the Lord saves me it will be through works &...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/30-31: The Convent, July 13 / 86, Your paper is deliciously, tantalizingly, excitingly, suggestive. It sends one off in every direct...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/32-33: Sunday morning, Oh, I am so glad to get back to the convent, & my books on the shelf, & my portraits & the old wo...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/34-39: Tuesday night, Dear K.P. , I have been reading your letter over again, & there are many things it makes me want to say. , ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/40-42: The Convent, Harrow on the Hill, Monday , My dear Mr Pearson , It is good to know a friend is unbending himself so completely...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/43-52: The Convent, Saturday night, Aug 7 / 86, I do not know your address, but write tonight that I may send it when I do. Your let...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/53-55: The Convent, Thursday , Thank you for your letter. I have very much I want to talk to you about. Now I am only writing to giv...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/56-58: The Convent, If while abroad references or extracts from books at the British Museum are wanted it would be mental rest from ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/59-60: Professor Haycraft & Dr Brown can throw no light on our question; say there is none. , I’ve Brehm’s Thierlebe...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/140: To Pearson 2 Harcourt Bldgs Temple, Trivial letter must not worry you you are ill, Schreiner,
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/61-64: On the other side I have scribbled down some such plan of a Woman’s Book as has been in my mind for many years. I wonde...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/65-68: The Convent, Sunday afternoon, Thank you for your letter. It came just when I wanted it. I suppose today you are leaving Made...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/69-71: Friday night, After Monday afternoon my address will be 35 Acacia Road, St John’s Wood N.W. I’m going to board wi...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/72: London , 35 Acacia Rd, My dear Mr Pearson, After Monday morning my address will be 9 Blandford Sq again. , Have you worked ou...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/73-75: I have asked Miss Davids & Donkin to propose Dr & Mrs Philpot for the next meeting as visitors. Philpot is coming ent...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/76-79: 9 Blandford Square, Monday night , Isn’t Parker splendid! What a horrible mist I was in, none of us were really clear b...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/80-81: Tuesday , My dear Mr Pearson, I open my letter this morning because there is something I must say to you. In the notes I wrot...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/82-84: 9 Blandford Sq, Wednesday, Dear KP, I shall be at home all the day & evening on Thursday: on Friday from 4 to 7 is my "at...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/85-91: Dear K. P. , Your letter was very refreshing to me when I came back from four hours in Bow Street Court. I cannot live among ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/92-97: Monday morning, I want to tell you what Ray Lankester said last night when he & his sister & I were driving home. He ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/98-101: 9 Blandford Sq, Dear Mr Pearson , I suppose I have ended for ever your feeling of friendship for me by the letter I wrote on ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/102-110: You say we need a Jesus Christ, that we leave the work of preaching in the streets to the Hyndmans & Avelings! We do need...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/111-116: Tuesday night, Dear Karl Pearson , I went to the Old Baley at 9.30 this morning & have just returned at 6.30. , I can’...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/117-121: Friday night, I have just received the enclosed from Chapman to whom I’ve not written. I suppose he has heard I am goin...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/122-124: In great haste, There is something I want to say to you, I’ve wanted to say it to you for a long time. You of all peopl...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/125-133: Friday night , I should have to write so many sheets to answer your letter as I would like. I can’t now. , One thing. T...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/134-135: Friday night, 11:30 , Will you not come tomorrow evening. You have been depressed & I since last Sunday have been stronge...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/136-137: Monday night 1:30 am, Dear Mr Pearson , When Mrs Cobb called the Friday before last she said that you had not been writing to...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/138-139: 9 Blandford Sq, Tuesday , Dear Mr Pearson , I should not have sent you that letter last night. It was brutal, very brutal of ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/141-144: This is from the lady whose other letters I showed you. This is from the woman who knew Hinton Mrs Barnes ,
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/145-146: Dear Mr Pearson, Our agreement was to write to each other on the 9th comparing work. Illness prevented me. Has the work got o...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/161: The gentlest impulse in your heart to Mrs Cobb is the manliest. Follow it. I will not write again. Work. I will work. , Shall...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/147-148: Sat morning, Dear Mr Pearson , I did not tell you in yesterday’s note that I wrote on Thursday to asking Mrs Cobb no mo...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/151: Sunday night , My Man-friend, write to me Find fault with me please if I am doing wrong, oh my soul is so little so little. C...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/149-152: Dear Mr Pearson , Thank you for your letter. , I told you mentioned what I had written to Mrs Cobb because I felt that surely...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/153-154: Pearson 2 Harcourt Bldgs Temple, I leave England tomorrow evening am better good bye thank you. ,
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/155-156: Pearson 2 Harcourt Bldgs Temple, Should be able to see you after three doctors will not let me leave till tomorrow, Schreiner...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/157-159: Tuesday afternoon, Thank you for your letter. It is the most valuable & helpful I ever got from you. Thank you for your d...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/162: Karl Pearson is there nothing I can do to help you? Are you suffering physically? ,
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/3/160-161: Dear Mr Pearson , I am afraid Dr Donkin in his kindness must have written to you telling you I was very bad. I’m much b...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/4/1-2: Hotel Roth, Clarens, Lake of Geneva , Jan 25 / 87, Dear Mr Pearson , Dr Donkin has sent me your message. Thank you for thinki...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/4/3-8: Hotel Roth, Clarens, Lake of Geneva, Sunday night, Jan 30th 1887, My dear Mr Pearson , I read this morning, for the first tim...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/4/9-11: Feb 12 / 87, Clarens, My dear Mr Pearson, On partly opening the letter you returned I find it contains one from yourself. Wil...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/4/12-14: 53 Marina, St Leonards, I want to go to Italy. , I had hoped to finish some work, but find I cannot. Will you lend me thirty ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/4/15: 6 October 1887, Received.,
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/5/1-2: I kept your cheque as a reserved fund to fall back in in case of need. I send it to you as there is no bankers here. Send me ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/5/3-5: I cannot understand how I could have misunderstood you. It flashed on me five minutes ago! I have opened & read the note ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/5/6-7: Matjesfontein, South Africa , May 24 / 90, My dear Karl Pearson , Now you are married I can write to you. I have not been abl...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/5/8-9: Matjesfontein , June 6 / 90, Dear Mr Pearson, I got your note to-day. It made me very glad because it bore the impress of you...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/5/10-16: Matjesfontein, Cape of Good Hope, Nov 11 / 90 , My dear Karl Pearson , With all my heart keep the letters if they are of the...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/5/17-18: Thank you for the picture of the dear little child. I prize it greatly., Olive Schreiner, Matjesfontein, South Africa,
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/5/19: Thanks much for the Book. It appears to me by far the most valuable that has yet appeared in the series. Thank you very much ...
letter icon Karl Pearson 840/4/5/20: July 21 / 95, The Homestead, Kimberley, South Africa, I send you a photograph of my husband. Will you please send me one of y...

collection icon UCLOStoMSharpe: University College London Library, Special Collections, UCL, London
letter icon Maria Sharpe 840/5/1: Royal Spa Hotel, Shanklin , Dear Miss Sharpe., Thank you so much for your letter. I hope yesterdays meeting was a great succe...
letter icon Maria Sharpe 840/5/2: Oxford House, Southbourne-on-Sea , March 23 / 86 , Dear Miss Sharpe., I would have answered you letter but have not been able...
letter icon Maria Sharpe 840/5/3: 9 Blandford Sq, Dear Miss Sharpe, Will you send the enclosed to Miss E-. I’ve forgotten her address. , I couldn’t...
letter icon Maria Sharpe 840/5/5-6: 9 Blandford Sq, Saturday, Dear Miss Sharpe, I hardly expected you in the rain, yet was disappointed. I didn’t send the ...
letter icon Maria Sharpe 840/5/7-8: 9 Blandford Square, Tuesday , My dear Miss Sharpe, Thank you for your letter. , I think if Mr Lankester is asked to read a pa...
letter icon Maria Sharpe 840/5/9-10: Dear Miss Sharpe., I have been confined to my bed for ten days The doctor wrote to tell Mr Parker I couldn’t get my pap...
letter icon Maria Sharpe 840/5/11: Dear Miss Sharpe, Please tell members of committee that I am leaving London. Every success to the club. I wish I had heard yo...
letter icon Maria Sharpe 840/5/12-14: 50 Gore Street , Victoria Park, My dear Miss Sharpe, Thank you very much for your kind invitation. I am sorry I can not come ...
letter icon Maria Sharpe 840/5/15-16: Devonshire House Temperance Hotel, 12 Bishopsgate Street,, London, Wednesd , I’ve been so stupid I couldn’t remem...
letter icon Maria Sharpe 840/5/17-20: Address – , Alassio, Italy. , Nov 24th 1887, Dear Miss Sharpe., I hear from Mrs Cobb & Miss Müller that your p...
letter icon Maria Sharpe 840/5/21: Alassio, Italy. Dec 1887, Dear Miss Sharpe, Your letter was a pleasure to me, & more than that, a help. I quite understoo...
letter icon Maria Sharpe 840/5/22: I shall keep your friend in mind if ever I should meet her, but life is very short & one has so much to do. You understan...

collection icon UCLOStoRParker: University College London Library, Special Collections, UCL, London
letter icon Robert Parker 840/3/1: 9 Blandford Sq, Dear Mr Parker, I take the liberty of sending you the enclosed. Do you know of any people who might be likely...