"Do not come, do not write, impersonal work" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceEdward Carpenter 359/9
ArchiveSheffield Archives, Archives & Local Studies, Sheffield
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date12 August 1887
Address From50 Gore Road, Hackney, London
Address To
Who ToEdward Carpenter
Other VersionsRive 1987: 129
PermissionsPlease read before using or citing this transcription
The Project is grateful to the Sheffield Archives, Sheffield Libraries, Archives and Information Services, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Archive Collections. The date has been written on this letter in an unknown hand.
1 50 Gore Rd
3 Dear E.C.
5 I’m somewhat tired this evening. I wish sometimes that we were both
6Christians that we might pray for eachother. I would pray for you. At
7last you will find that you will drift away & away from the things you
8now love. You will be free, & they will be happy in eachother, & ^you^
9will see what this all meant. You will see the good you have got.
11 //I am going up to Yorkshire on Sunday, first to a solitary little
12cottage on the York Lancashire side of the moors I want to rest so. I
13am well & working but shall work better there. After two weeks I want
14to go to Kirkly moorside. Can you tell me anything about it, & if
15there is any little quiet village in that part of Yorkshire would suit
16that you know of Don’t trouble to write though if out of mood.
18 What would you ask me to pray for for you if praying was any use? I
19would ask you to pray that myself might die. I don’t mean my body
20but all that longs or wishes for anything. It dies so slowly, but it
21does die.
23 I have given Englands Ideal & Towards Dem to the Editor of an evening
24paper & asked him to review them. If favourably, well, if not
25favourable still well if it makes West End people read them.
27 Good bye.
28 Olive S.
The books referred to are: Edward Carpenter (1885) Towards Democracy Manchester: John Heywood; Edward Carpenter (1887) England’s Ideal, and other papers on social subjects London: Swann Sonnenschein & Co. Rive's (1987) version omits part of this letter.