"In losing the friendship of the Republics, England has blown away one of the bulwarks of Empire, when England stands where we stand today let her remember Soouth Africa" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Olive Schreiner: Ruth Alexander MSC 26/2.1.22 |
Archive | National Library of South Africa, Special Collections, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Postcard |
Letter Date | 18 April 1918 |
Address From | 9 Porchester Place, Edgware Road, Westminster, London |
Address To | Kalk Bay, Cape Town, Western Cape |
Who To | Ruth Alexander nee Schechter |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the National Library of South Africa (NLSA), Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner postcard, which is part of its Special Collections. The date of this postcard is provided by the postmark and the address it was sent to is on its front.
My darling Ruth
3 How does it come I never never hear from you. The last letter I had
4was when you sent me that lovely little poem - the last thing you ever
5wrote. Do write & tell me of you all.
7 I never forget you
8 Olive
10 9 Porchester Place
11 Edgware Rd
3 How does it come I never never hear from you. The last letter I had
4was when you sent me that lovely little poem - the last thing you ever
5wrote. Do write & tell me of you all.
7 I never forget you
8 Olive
10 9 Porchester Place
11 Edgware Rd