"I valued it more than all the hundreds of letters" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Olive Schreiner: Mary Sauer MSC 26/2.11.38 |
Archive | National Library of South Africa, Special Collections, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | Saturday September 1891 |
Address From | Matjesfontein, Western Cape |
Address To | |
Who To | Mary Sauer nee Cloete |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the National Library of South Africa (NLSA), Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Special Collections. The month and year have been written on this letter in an unknown hand. Content indicates Schreiner was in Matjesfontein when it was written.
3Dear Mary
5 Wilt though do me a great favour? Send me a hat like Dorothys but
6bigger, & ?s rather, & some of the stuff like D's is trimmed with, I
7enclose 10/- If there's money over would you send me some strawberries
8^a very few at a time^ when they come in. I'll send the basket back at
9once. This is a great deal of trouble to put you to, but I know you
10won't mind.
12 The weather here's lovely now. Wish you'd been here now. Hope the
13little ones are quite flourishing. I'm well & working away. May have
14to come to town 14th next month to see friend off to England but
15shan't leave my work if I can help it. There's nothing else worth
16living for on earth, but to do the work you were intended to do, & to
17throw yourself so into it. that you forget you are a self.
19 Have you heard from the Inneses? The Gill's were here for a day. I
20never got to know so much of Mrs Gill before or to like her so much.
21You would love her if you got behind the scenes with her.
23 The wind still blows, but its nice warmish wind only the early
24mornings & evenings are cold.
26 Always thine.
27 Olive Schreiner
29 Can you tell me the address of people who have strawberry gardens?
30There's a poor Mrs Nolt very ill here now & I would like so much to
31get some for her.
3Dear Mary
5 Wilt though do me a great favour? Send me a hat like Dorothys but
6bigger, & ?s rather, & some of the stuff like D's is trimmed with, I
7enclose 10/- If there's money over would you send me some strawberries
8^a very few at a time^ when they come in. I'll send the basket back at
9once. This is a great deal of trouble to put you to, but I know you
10won't mind.
12 The weather here's lovely now. Wish you'd been here now. Hope the
13little ones are quite flourishing. I'm well & working away. May have
14to come to town 14th next month to see friend off to England but
15shan't leave my work if I can help it. There's nothing else worth
16living for on earth, but to do the work you were intended to do, & to
17throw yourself so into it. that you forget you are a self.
19 Have you heard from the Inneses? The Gill's were here for a day. I
20never got to know so much of Mrs Gill before or to like her so much.
21You would love her if you got behind the scenes with her.
23 The wind still blows, but its nice warmish wind only the early
24mornings & evenings are cold.
26 Always thine.
27 Olive Schreiner
29 Can you tell me the address of people who have strawberry gardens?
30There's a poor Mrs Nolt very ill here now & I would like so much to
31get some for her.