"Little in favour of union" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceOlive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/34
ArchiveNational English Literary Museum, Grahamstown
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter DateFriday June 1912
Address FromDe Aar, Northern Cape
Address To
Who ToMinnie or Mimmie Murray nee Parkes
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to the National English Literary Museum (NELM) for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscript Collections. This letter has been dated by reference to content.
1 De Aar
2 Friday
4 Dear Friend
6 Thank you so much for your letter. I have a very lovely rose in my
7garden & want to order more. It is now in full bloom with dozens of
8large crimson flowers. I don't know what it & so can't order. It is
9more like Reine Marie Henriette that you have than any other rose I
10know but it is darker I think. But did you not tell me that Reine
11Marie Henriette only bloomed for a short time. This blooms practically
12the whole year round. But it is growing in a very warm sheltered
13corner with walls on both side two sides & full sun. Do you think that
14might make it bloom more perpetually? I enclose a rose.
16 My husband is away in Cape Town. His mother is near death ^they think.^
17He returns to-day tomorrow having been away a week. She has had a
18stroke. My sister Mrs Lewis is also struggling at the door of death:
19it seems she cannot die. Her sufferings are too awful. She has been
20two years practically dying. She has four nurses as some one must
21always hold her up. Consumption is a terrible thing; but it doesn't
22compare with Heart Disease. My dear Constance Lytton is lying
23unconscious too. A clot formed of the matter of her decaying heart
24shashas stuck in the brain. I cannot tell you how anxiously I am
25waiting for next weeks mail. My dear friends the Pethick Lawrences
26have got 9 months. But they suffer in a great cause.
28 Good bye my dear friend. Love to the darling children. What a joy it
29would be to see you all. Are you still at Portlock or down at the
30lower farm?
32 Yours ever
33 Olive
35 The rose is not a real creeper like Scarlet Rambler for instance but
36it sends out with long shoots it seems to need supports.