"Thrown away 10 years of my life to prevent inevitable" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceOlive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/29
ArchiveNational English Literary Museum, Grahamstown
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date10 January 1912
Address FromAlexandra Hotel, Muizenberg, Western Cape
Address To
Who ToMinnie or Mimmie Murray nee Parkes
Other Versions
PermissionsPlease read before using or citing this transcription
The Project is grateful to the National English Literary Museum (NELM) for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscript Collections. This letter is on printed headed notepaper with a drawing of the hotel.
1 Alexandra Hotel
2 Muizenberg
3 Jan 10th 1912
5 Dear Friend
7 I want to write you a long letter answering yours. Now I'll only thank
8you for it. How sweet of the beloved children to send me the karross.
9Ask them to send it to De Aar that it may be waiting there for me when
10I come home. I am so well here. I have been here just a week & am
11feeling better than I've done anywhere for 14 years.
13 I wish you were coming down here too. Do arrange to come here next
14year this with the cheap fares they have now. But you must take the
15cottage long before hand or you can't get one, its so full.
17 My dear friend Isie Smuts is down here, & Minnie de Villiers is down
18here & my brother has a house here so I see them often. A long letter
21 Much love
23^to all
24 Olive Schreiner^