"Desire for self-expression not sermonising, writing desecrated by showing to others" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Olive Schreiner: Mimmie Murray 2001.24/25 |
Archive | National English Literary Museum, Grahamstown |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 5 December 1919 |
Address From | 9 Porchester Place, Edgware Road, Westminster, London |
Address To | |
Who To | Minnie or Mimmie Murray nee Parkes |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the National English Literary Museum (NELM) for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscript Collections.
9 Porchester Place
2 Edgeware Rd
3 Dec 5th 1919
5 Dear, dear Friend
7 My niece Lyndall Schreiner has married a Colonel Gregg who is in
8command of a Balt. at a place called Tabora in ^Late^ German East Africa.
9 I have an idea that it was near there that our beloved Haldane fell.
10If it was so & his grave is there, anywhere in that part, I know she
11would go to see it & see that it is kepp kept in order. I should love
12to think of her standing beside his resting place. Please tell me if I
13am right. When is our Andre to be married? Do one of you write & give
14me a little news about you all? I suppose Bobbie & Kathie are still in
15Cape Town.
17 I think so often of you all, but I am not able to write much: the
18continual attacks of angina pectoris prevent one from walking & that
19weakens one.
21 My dear friend Alice Greene is dying slowly of cancer. She does not
22know it is cancer, they have kept that from her, but she knows she
23can't get well. She is staying in a little cottage in Cornwall, & Miss
24Molteno & her two sisters are staying with her & caring for. It is so
25hard for me that I cannot get down to see her once again. She is a
26splendid woman. My niece only met Colonel Gregg on board ship, & they
27were married the day after they got to Cape Town. All of them seem to
28like him very much & she is blissfully happy. I am only sorry she has
29to go so far away from her mother. I know you will have been sorry to
30hear of dear Dr Purcell's death. It is a terrible blow to Anna who
31loved him so. I've got such tragic beautiful letters from her.
33 Good bye dear friend.
34 My love to you all
35 Olive
2 Edgeware Rd
3 Dec 5th 1919
5 Dear, dear Friend
7 My niece Lyndall Schreiner has married a Colonel Gregg who is in
8command of a Balt. at a place called Tabora in ^Late^ German East Africa.
9 I have an idea that it was near there that our beloved Haldane fell.
10If it was so & his grave is there, anywhere in that part, I know she
11would go to see it & see that it is kepp kept in order. I should love
12to think of her standing beside his resting place. Please tell me if I
13am right. When is our Andre to be married? Do one of you write & give
14me a little news about you all? I suppose Bobbie & Kathie are still in
15Cape Town.
17 I think so often of you all, but I am not able to write much: the
18continual attacks of angina pectoris prevent one from walking & that
19weakens one.
21 My dear friend Alice Greene is dying slowly of cancer. She does not
22know it is cancer, they have kept that from her, but she knows she
23can't get well. She is staying in a little cottage in Cornwall, & Miss
24Molteno & her two sisters are staying with her & caring for. It is so
25hard for me that I cannot get down to see her once again. She is a
26splendid woman. My niece only met Colonel Gregg on board ship, & they
27were married the day after they got to Cape Town. All of them seem to
28like him very much & she is blissfully happy. I am only sorry she has
29to go so far away from her mother. I know you will have been sorry to
30hear of dear Dr Purcell's death. It is a terrible blow to Anna who
31loved him so. I've got such tragic beautiful letters from her.
33 Good bye dear friend.
34 My love to you all
35 Olive