"Spending the last days destroying letters & papers, no daughter to leave them to" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceOlive Schreiner: Havelock Ellis 2006.29/2
ArchiveNational English Literary Museum, Grahamstown
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date25 November 1880
Address FromLily Kloof, Halesowen, Eastern Cape
Address To
Who ToLady Superintendent of Nurses, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, but sent to Havelock Ellis
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to the National English Literary Museum (NELM) for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscript Collections. Schreiner provided Havelock Ellis at an unknown date with her application to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. It is not known how this typescript of the application form came to be made; however, the original form was sent to Schreiner?s friend Dr John Brown in Burnley, who sent it on to the ERI, so the typescript is likely to predate her friendship with Ellis.
1 Edinburgh Royal Infirmary 25-11-80
3 N.B. This paper to be filled in (in the Candidate's own handwriting)
4and sent to the Lady Superintendent of Nurses, Edinburgh Royal
7 Questions to be answered by Candidate
9 1. Name in full and present address of Candidate.
10^Olive Emelie Albertina Schreiner
11Lily Kloof, Cradock, Cape of Good Hope.^
13 2. Are you a single woman or widow *The marriage certificate will be
15 ^Single^
17 3. Your present occupation of employment, also, if a widow, the former
18occupation of your husband
19 ^Governess.^
21 4. Age last birthday, and date and place of birth.
22 ^25. Born at Wittersberg, South Africa, March 24th. 1855.^
24 5. Height?
25 ^Five feet.^
26 Weight?
27 ^There are no scales here. Weight, probably about 110.^
29 6. Where educated?
30 ^At home.^
32 7. Of what religious denomination? Name and address of Clergyman or
33Minister who knows you.
34 ^Free thinker. Father, Lutheran. Rev. W. Caldecott, East London, South
37 8. Can you read and write well?
38 ^Yes.^
40 9. Are you strong and healthy? and have you always been so.
41 ^Yes. Was delicate at one time, but have wholly recovered.^
43 10. If a widow, have you children? How many? Their ages. How are they
44provided for?
46 11. Where (if any) was your last situation? How long were you in it.
47 ^Ratelhoek. Dis. Tarkastad. Three years.^
49 12. What is the name and occupation of your father, or, if not living,
50your mother.
51 ^Father - Lutheran Missionary - dead. Mother, living on her income.
52Grahamstown, South Africa.^
54 13. The names in full, and address of two persons to be referred to?
55State how long each has known you. If previously employed, one of
56these must be the last employer.
57 ^Dr. ?H. Pearson, Seymour, South Africa. Has known me 5 years
58 Christoffel Christian Fouche, Esq., Lily Kloof, Cradock, South Africa.
59has known me 8 years.^
61 14. Name and address of your Medical attendant.
62 ^I have none.^
64 15. Have you read, and do you clearly understand the regulations.
65 ^yes^
67 I declare the above statement to be correct.
68 Date ^Lily Kloof, Nov. 25th. 1880.^
69 Signed ^Olive Emilie ^^Albertina^^ Schreiner^ Candidate.
Schreiner's responses to the questions asked on the form from the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary strain at the boundaries of 'letterness', but are included for the sake of completeness.