"On prostitution and the woman question" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Smuts A1/193/81 |
Archive | National Archives Repository, Pretoria |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 6 February 1910 |
Address From | Rocklands, Beach Road, Sea Point, Cape Town, Western Cape |
Address To | |
Who To | Isie Smuts nee Krige |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the National Archives Repository, Pretoria, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Special Collections.
2 Sea Point
3 February 6th 1910
5 My darling Isie
7 Do you think I have forgotten you? I’ve been so ill for a long time
8dear, I’ve not been able to write to any one. First I got very ill
9in town during the cession the heat was so great. Then I spent a
10little time in Muizenberg with some dear friends but got worse there.
11Then I went to Matjesfontein where I have always got better, & got
12worse. So the doctors sent me down here. First I stayed in the town &
13then they sent me out here but I am not any better. So as soon as
14there is room I am going into the nursing home at Plumstead. I seem to
15have lost all interest in things, even the future of South Africa. If
16they gave the votes to all the women in the world or passed the most
17just laws with regard to the natives, I don’t think it would matter
18to me, though once it would have sent me almost out of my mind with
19delight. The only thing I want is to be with my dear Husband at de Aar
20but the doctors wont let me go up on account of the height & heat.
21They say my heart is growing so large & pressing on the internal
22organs, which causes the congestion. I am telling you all this that
23you may understand why I never write. Please don’t think I don’t
24love you & Jan, or that any difference in my views on politics from
25yours makes any difference in my feelings to you. It seems to me more
26& more that there’s nothing in the world matters but loving your
27fellow men & helping them if you can. And when one can’t do anything
28more one can still keep on loving.
30 I hope all your little ones are well. Are you now at Irene? Do you
31like it there? It’s a pity for me you are not at Sea Point now, then
32I might have seen you every day. But its terribly hot here; at least I
33feel it so.
35 Good bye dear
36 My love to you all
37 Olive Schreiner
2 Sea Point
3 February 6th 1910
5 My darling Isie
7 Do you think I have forgotten you? I’ve been so ill for a long time
8dear, I’ve not been able to write to any one. First I got very ill
9in town during the cession the heat was so great. Then I spent a
10little time in Muizenberg with some dear friends but got worse there.
11Then I went to Matjesfontein where I have always got better, & got
12worse. So the doctors sent me down here. First I stayed in the town &
13then they sent me out here but I am not any better. So as soon as
14there is room I am going into the nursing home at Plumstead. I seem to
15have lost all interest in things, even the future of South Africa. If
16they gave the votes to all the women in the world or passed the most
17just laws with regard to the natives, I don’t think it would matter
18to me, though once it would have sent me almost out of my mind with
19delight. The only thing I want is to be with my dear Husband at de Aar
20but the doctors wont let me go up on account of the height & heat.
21They say my heart is growing so large & pressing on the internal
22organs, which causes the congestion. I am telling you all this that
23you may understand why I never write. Please don’t think I don’t
24love you & Jan, or that any difference in my views on politics from
25yours makes any difference in my feelings to you. It seems to me more
26& more that there’s nothing in the world matters but loving your
27fellow men & helping them if you can. And when one can’t do anything
28more one can still keep on loving.
30 I hope all your little ones are well. Are you now at Irene? Do you
31like it there? It’s a pity for me you are not at Sea Point now, then
32I might have seen you every day. But its terribly hot here; at least I
33feel it so.
35 Good bye dear
36 My love to you all
37 Olive Schreiner