"Extended family news, that little casket holds so much for you & me" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceSmuts A1/187/78B
ArchiveNational Archives Repository, Pretoria
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date1 September 1901
Address FromHanover, Northern Cape
Address To
Who ToIsie Smuts nee Krige
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to the National Archives Repository, Pretoria, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Special Collections.
1 Hanover
2 Sep 1st 1901
4 Dear Isie Smuts
6 Thank you with all my heart for both your letters. I did not answer
7your first because I was too ill. I am much better now. Thank your
8sister & father-in-law deeply for their kind wish that I should go &
9stay with them on their farm; but I could not get a pass now for
10Malmesbury district, & it is too near the sea eaven there for me
11to live. I have to stop up in these high dry parts. My chest is much
12worse than it use to be when I lived at Johannesburg, & I always
13spitting blood.
15 As to money matters, I have at just had an old article of mine on the
16Woman question accepted by a womans paper in America, for which I am
17promised £100, so we shall be able to manage well till the war is
18over & my darling husband can find work again. Thank you from my heart
19for your loving wish to help us.
21 Please send me the large photographs you mentioned. They will come
22quite safely: the military authorities only object to letters which
23refer in any way to politics or public matters. Thank you much for the
24two little photographs you sent me. Your little son had beautiful
25large eyes just like yours. If you should be writing to your husband
26tell him I send him a heavy handshake across the distance. I am so
27glad Ella is with you to comfort & help you. I have a little dog all
28the seven months I was here alone, she comforted & helped me more than
29most people could believe a dog would. My darling husband has now ^been^
30down in Cape Town, but the military authorities have kindly given him
31a pass to return to me: he is ^to be^ here tomorrow morning; I feel as
32if I couldn’t sleep tonight waiting for tomorrow morning to come.
34 I hope I shall see you again someday my dear brave friend. You & yours
35are always in my thoughts
37 Yours ever as of old & unchanged
38 Olive Schreiner
The 'old article of mine' appeared as Schreiner's two-part essay on 'Woman': "The Woman Question I" The Cosmopolitan vol 28, no 1, November 1899, pp.45-54; and "The Woman Question II" The Cosmopolitan vol 28, no 2, December 1899, pp.182-192. These eventually became Woman and Labour.