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Library of Parliament Cape Town Hunt: Schreiner’s letters to Albert Hunt are part of the Special Collections of the Library of Parliament. This has the special purpose of facilitating the needs of MPs, Ministers and parliamentary staff. It also holds a wealth of special collections. Access requires a known topic, persistence and a full passport or related official ID information, but is welcoming, helpful and efficient thereafter. See http://www.parliament.gov.za/live/content.php?Item_ID=438
collection icon LibraryofParliamentAlbertHunt: Library of Parliament, Cape Town
letter icon Library of Parliament 24083 928 Sch/2: NEW COLLEGE EASTBOURNE LIMITED, Eastbourne, Sep 29 1893, Dear Mr Hunt, Thank you for all the trouble you have so kindly taken...
letter icon Library of Parliament 24083 928 Sch/3: Dear Mr Hunt, Thank you more than I can say: it is really too good of you to have taken this trouble for me. I feel it so sel...
letter icon Library of Parliament 24083 928 Sch/1: New College,, Eastbourne., Sep 27 / 93, Dear Mr Hunt, I enclose a cheque for £39 for the ticket (that’s right isn’...
letter icon Library of Parliament 24083 928 Sch/4: New College,, Eastbourne., Dear Mr Hunt, I sent off yesterday 5 packages., 2 tin trunks, 1wooden packing case, & one 1 ca...
letter icon Library of Parliament 24083 928 Sch/5: New College,, Eastbourne., Wednesday, My dear Mr Hunt, Will you kindly send me to Morleys Hotel Trafalgar Sq, six coupons for...