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Greene Family: A sub-set of Schreiner’s letters to Alice Greene is held in the private collection of the Greene family heirs, (while others are in the University of Cape Town collections). See John Barham (ed, 2007) Alice Greene, Teacher and Campaigner: South African Correspondence 1887-1902 Leicester: Matador, and (ed, 2010) The Mother and the Maiden Aunt: Letters of Eva and Alice Greene 1909-1912 Leicester: Matador.
collection icon GreeneFamilyPapers: Greene Family Papers
letter icon GFP/OS-AG/1: Dear Friend, The speeches at the Woman’s Congress seem to me better than any we have yet had. all were good but if one ...
letter icon GFP/OS-AG/2: Hanover, Oct 17 / 00, Dear Friend,, The clouds are gathering thicker & thicker. God knows what will happen next if they k...
letter icon GFP/OS-AG/3: Hanover, May 23rd 1902, Dear Friend, I’m so glad you are in such a lovely place. Nature has never seemed to me more inf...
letter icon GFP/OS-AG/4: Hanover , Oct 23 / 00, Dear Friend, Things seem growing darker & darker in this country. How dark I sometimes think you p...
letter icon GFP/OS-AG/5: Hanover, Nov 14 / 01, Darling Friend, I was glad to see your handwriting again. I must be delightful having all those nice ch...
letter icon GFP/OS-AG/6: Dear Friend, I wonder if you are realy better Are you able to go long walks., We had a nice sharp frost here the night before...
letter icon GFP/OS-AG/7: Dear Friend, I’m so glad to hear you are better. Write & tell me all you can in a letter about the meeting. How muc...
letter icon GFP/OS-AG/8: Hanover, July 8 / 04, Dear dear Friend, How often I am with you in thought you don’t know. I long so to hear that your ...