"Letter to Ghandi on pacifism" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceGFP/OS-AG/6
ArchiveGreene Family Papers
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date7 November 1900
Address FromHanover, Northern Cape
Address ToKenilworth, Cape Town, Western Cape
Who ToAlice Greene
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to John Barham and the Greene Family for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter to Alice Greene, which is part of the family collections. The date of the letter is derived from the postmark on an attached envelope, which also provides the address and the name of the addressee it was sent to. Schreiner was resident in Hanover from late 1900 to late 1907.
1Dear Friend
3I wonder if you are realy better Are you able to go long walks.
5We had a nice sharp frost here the night before last which killed the
6potatoes. But to-day is warm again. Compared to most places in Africa,
7this is very cool, but of course we must expect some hot weather for
8the next three months By the end of February they say its quite cool
11Please ask Miss Molteno Mrs Murray to send me the memorial if you are
12not coming soon. I have been to Mrs Watermayers & every place in the
13town, but cant get rooms for you anywhere. But I’m sure you could
14get rooms at the hotel, if you wrote some time before. The Hotel is
15pretty full of refugees from the Free State. I can’t make out what
16is going on. Il I’ve never been so at sea before since the war began.
17 The only reason I can think of (except one) why Butler & Roberts are
18going to England & all the troops are gathering on the line, is that
19they expect war in Europe. I can’t write & ask any one in Cape Town,
20or you, because all letters may be opened by our old friend Mr Censor.
21It’s very like Russia, this country, ^very.^
23Stead writes that he sent me a cable three weeks ago which I have
24never received.
26I’ve been too unfit to write a real letter for the woman’s
27congress I’ve only written a note. It’s not nice when you feel you
28are dragging one leg in the sand, & you want to work, but I expect I
29shall soon be going on all fours again
33If you do come up there’s a little parcel for me at
35^my Sister in Laws, Mrs W P Schreiners that I want you to bring
Schreiner sent written addresses to some of the Volkskongres and women?s and peace congresses and spoke at others, as follows: Graaff-Reinet Volkskongres, April 1900 (spoke); Cape Town women?s meeting, June 1900 (spoke); Somerset East peace congress, October 1900 (a letter of address); Paarl, November 1900 peace congress (a letter of address); Worcester Volkskongres, December 1900 (spoke). However, these terms were used somewhat interchangeably and Schreiner's reference to a 'real letter' for the woman?s congress therefore could concern the Paarl November 1900 meeting or the Worcester meeting in December 1900.