"Two articles on woman, Lloyd ratted about war" Read the full letter
Free State Archives Depot: The Steyn collection contains the extensive official and private papers of the last president of the Orange Free State, Martinus Theunis Steyn, and his wife Rachel Isabella (Tibbie) Steyn. It includes many letters from Emily Hobhouse to Mrs Steyn, and among are a handful of letters from Olive Schreiner to Emily Hobhouse; these are handwritten copies made by Hobhouse. There is a detailed finding aid for the Steyn collection. The Renier Collection is also a huge one, and results from the collections activities of Renier himself, and again there is a finding aid. The Wessels collection is small and there is no finding aid. The Free State Archives Depot website is part of the National Archives of South Africa, and this is difficult to use and not very helpful in accessing information, as its search facilities do not cover the large majority of its manuscript holdings. Accessing such information really requires visiting or a detailed email inquiry. A list of holdings is available at the Information Desk and online in the archive. See http://www.national.archives.gov.za
FSAROSHobhouseSteynPapers: Free State Archives Repository, Bloemfontein
Steyn Papers: Emily Hobhouse (Olive Schreiner) 156/3/12/1: From Olive Schreiner, Copy, P.O. Uitkyk , July 7, 1903, Dear Miss Hobhouse,, I have been waiting to write to you till I could...
Steyn Papers: Emily Hobhouse (Olive Schreiner) 156/3/12/2: From Olive Schreiner, Private, Dear Miss Hobhouse,, From your letter it appears you never got the long letter I wrote to you ...
Steyn Papers: Emily Hobhouse (Olive Schreiner) 156/3/12/3: Copy, From Olive Schreiner, Hanover, Sept: 29, 1903 (or 7), Dear Miss Hobhouse,, I am writing at once in reply to your letter...
Steyn Papers: Emily Hobhouse (Olive Schreiner) 156/3/12/4: From Olive Schreiner, Copy, Hanover, Oct 8th 1903, Dear Miss Hobhouse,, I am afraid you must be very tired. No one who does n...
Steyn Papers: Emily Hobhouse (Olive Schreiner) 156/3/12/5: From Olive Schreiner. Copy., Hanover, Novbr 5, 1903, Dear Miss Hobhouse,, How must I wish I could have had just one long talk...
Steyn Papers: Emily Hobhouse (Olive Schreiner) 156/3/12/6: From Olive Schreiner, Copy , Hanover C.C. , Novbr 9. 1903, Dear Miss Hobhouse, Mrs Cilliers has just been in and says David h...
FreeStateDeVilliersA64: Free State Archives Repository, Bloemfontein
CC de Villiers A64/93: c/o Standard Bank, 10 Clements Lane Lombard Street, London, England, Oct 17th 1915, My dear Mrs de Villiers, I am longing so ...
FSARRenierSomersetEastOpenLetter: Free State Archives Repository, Bloemfontein
A119 Renier / A119-133: Uittreksel van ‘n Toespraak gelewer deur live Schreiner aan ‘n Vroue-Kongres te Somerset-Oos, op 12 Oktober 1900....
FSARWessels: Free State Archives Repository, Bloemfontein
Wessels A.96.13-16 (A7434): Private, Address, Olive Schreiner, c/o Hon W P Schreiner, Lyndall, Newlands, Cape Town, South Africa, Sep 13 / 00, Dear Sir,, ...