"Men, women, love" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceFindlay Family A1199/1221
ArchiveWilliam Cullen Library, Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date28 June 1874
Address FromColesberg, Eastern Cape
Address To
Who ToCatherine ('Katie') Findlay nee Schreiner
Other VersionsRive 1987: 13-14
PermissionsPlease read before using or citing this transcription
The Project is grateful to the William Cullen Library, University of Johannesburg, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Historical Papers.
1 Colesberg
2 June 28th 1874
4 My dearest Katie!
6 It is some time since I heard from you & I think you are two letters
7in my debt, but I know you will be very sorry to get a few lines from me.
9 I have been in Colesberg almost two months now, & like my place here
10increasingly well but have very little time for writing or any thing
11else. I go out so little that I know nothing of the people but the
12place itself I like much & the quiet life is just to my taste. I have
13not heard from Mamma or Ettie for some time. I suppose the former is
14busy moving over to Balfour where I do hope she may find better health
15than in low damp Hertzog.
17 We are having most bitterly cold weather here just now & are obliged
18to have fires almost day & night which make one feel it all the more
19when obliged to go out.
21 A few days ago I happened to meet a Mrs Norvil (Emily Mader that was)
22who was asking after you, & says she knew you very well before you
23were married. They live on a farm about three hours from this. Did you
24know that old Mr. Mader was married again to a young girl. I have also
25had the pleasure of meeting Fred Ludorf since I came here. He has gone
26down to Grahamstown but will be back next week when I hope to see more
27of him.
29 Perhaps he & Will may come up on the coach together.
31 I have no more time just now so must close for the present. With love
32for John & the children & much warm love for your self.
34Believe me to be
35Your truly loving sister
Rive's (1987) version omits part of this letter and is also in a number of respects incorrect.