"Little in favour of union" Read the full letter
Aletta: The Aletta Jacobs collection is extensive and available on microfilm at the Aletta IIVA archive in Amsterdam. Schreiner’s letters to Aletta Jacob are a small part of the collection. There is a finding aid. See http://www.alettajacobs.org/atria/Aletta_Jacobs/English/Jacobs_archives
Aletta-Jacobs: Aletta, International Archives for the Women's Movement, Amsterdam
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/278: Dear Dr Jacobs, You don’t know what happiness your visit gave me – only I can’t bear to think I shall never...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/279: De Aar, April the 4th 1912, Dear Friend, Thankyou for your letter & for the book. The translation seems to me wonderfully...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/280: Dear Dr Jacobs, I hope you will have a splendid time in the Transvaal. I shall always remember your day here, a “red le...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/281: Address -- to --, De Aar, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, Jan 21st 1913, Dear Dr Jacobs, It was a great pleasure to me to ge...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/282: De Aar, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, May 19th 1913, Dear Dr Jacobs, Thank you truly for your letter., It is just possible...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/283: Palace Hôtel, Florence, 7, Lung’Arno Guicciardini, Address, Poste Restante, Florence, March 26th , Dear Dr Jacobs....
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/284: 30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace. Kensington London. April 20th , I got here last week. I am not quite sure yet when I shall go to ...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/285: Hotel Augusta Victoria, Bad Nauheim, June 29th 1914, Dear Dr Jacobs, I have been staying here for the heart cure: it will be ...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/286: Hotel Augusta Victoria, Bad Nauheim, Dear Dr Jacobs, Thank you much for your letter I shall not be returning to England for a...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/287: Grand Hôtel und Kurhaus, Oberhof, July 17th 1914, My dear Dr Jacobs, I shall be leaving this in a couple of days Please ...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/288: Creisau, Schlessen, Germany, July 26, Dear Friend,, My movements are not quite sure yet. If any letters come for me to your c...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/289: Continental-Hotel, Berlin NW.7, Dear Friend, I am now in Berlin at the Continental Hotel. Am resting here a couple of days, a...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/290: 30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington , London, Monday , I arrived here at midnight last night after the most terrible journ...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/291: Dear Friend I hope all goes well with you. Have you any further news of my dear friend Dorothy? I wish I could come to Hollan...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/292: Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/293: Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Apr...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/294: Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/295: Dear Friend, I hope all goes well with you I was grieved not to see you off but I was too ill. I had hoped the doctors would ...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/296: Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Aug 17th 1915, My dear Aletta, Thank you so much for sending me the good news of the birth of my fr...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/297: Dear Dr Jacobs Thank you so much. Could you possibly send a card for me to my dear friend & tell her how thankful I am to...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/298: Dear Dr Jacobs It is so long since I had any news of you., I am leaving for South Africa on the 13th of August as I cannot fa...
Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/299: Thank you so much for your letter. Yes, it is hard to think I shall never see Europe again. I have longed so to visit Italy &...