"Little in favour of union" Read the full letter
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Aletta: The Aletta Jacobs collection is extensive and available on microfilm at the Aletta IIVA archive in Amsterdam. Schreiner’s letters to Aletta Jacob are a small part of the collection. There is a finding aid. See http://www.alettajacobs.org/atria/Aletta_Jacobs/English/Jacobs_archives
collection icon Aletta-Jacobs: Aletta, International Archives for the Women's Movement, Amsterdam
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/278: Dear Dr Jacobs, You don’t know what happiness your visit gave me – only I can’t bear to think I shall never...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/279: De Aar, April the 4th 1912, Dear Friend, Thankyou for your letter & for the book. The translation seems to me wonderfully...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/280: Dear Dr Jacobs, I hope you will have a splendid time in the Transvaal. I shall always remember your day here, a “red le...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/281: Address -- to --, De Aar, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, Jan 21st 1913, Dear Dr Jacobs, It was a great pleasure to me to ge...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/282: De Aar, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, May 19th 1913, Dear Dr Jacobs, Thank you truly for your letter., It is just possible...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/283: Palace Hôtel, Florence, 7, Lung’Arno Guicciardini, Address, Poste Restante, Florence, March 26th , Dear Dr Jacobs....
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/284: 30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace. Kensington London. April 20th , I got here last week. I am not quite sure yet when I shall go to ...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/285: Hotel Augusta Victoria, Bad Nauheim, June 29th 1914, Dear Dr Jacobs, I have been staying here for the heart cure: it will be ...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/286: Hotel Augusta Victoria, Bad Nauheim, Dear Dr Jacobs, Thank you much for your letter I shall not be returning to England for a...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/287: Grand Hôtel und Kurhaus, Oberhof, July 17th 1914, My dear Dr Jacobs, I shall be leaving this in a couple of days Please ...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/288: Creisau, Schlessen, Germany, July 26, Dear Friend,, My movements are not quite sure yet. If any letters come for me to your c...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/289: Continental-Hotel, Berlin NW.7, Dear Friend, I am now in Berlin at the Continental Hotel. Am resting here a couple of days, a...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/290: 30 St Mary Abbotts Terrace, Kensington , London, Monday , I arrived here at midnight last night after the most terrible journ...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/291: Dear Friend I hope all goes well with you. Have you any further news of my dear friend Dorothy? I wish I could come to Hollan...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/292: Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/293: Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Apr...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/294: Telephone: 3675 Kensington., Telegrams: Apartment, London., Kensington Palace Mansions & Hotel,, De Vere Gardens, W., Dea...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/295: Dear Friend, I hope all goes well with you I was grieved not to see you off but I was too ill. I had hoped the doctors would ...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/296: Llandrindod Wells, Wales, Aug 17th 1915, My dear Aletta, Thank you so much for sending me the good news of the birth of my fr...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/297: Dear Dr Jacobs Thank you so much. Could you possibly send a card for me to my dear friend & tell her how thankful I am to...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/298: Dear Dr Jacobs It is so long since I had any news of you., I am leaving for South Africa on the 13th of August as I cannot fa...
letter icon Aletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/299: Thank you so much for your letter. Yes, it is hard to think I shall never see Europe again. I have longed so to visit Italy &...