"League of curs" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceAletta Jacobs Papers AHJ/287
ArchiveAletta, International Archives for the Women’s Movement, Amsterdam
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date17 July 1914
Address FromGrand Hôtel und Kurhaus, Oberhof, Germany
Address ToAmsterdam, Holland
Who ToAletta Jacobs
Other Versions
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Olive Schreiner’s letters to Aletta Jacobs are part of the International Archives for the Women’s Movement collections, to whom thanks are due for access to the microfilm of the Aletta Jacobs Papers. The address this letter was sent to is provided by an attached envelope with the final insertion on its back. The letter is on printed headed notepaper with the hotel’s crest.
1Grand Hôtel und Kurhaus
4July 17th 1914
6My dear Dr Jacobs
8I shall be leaving this in a couple of days Please let me know if it
9will be quite convenient if I come on Monday evening or Tuesday
10morning I plan to spend a couple of ^two or perhaps three^ days with you
11& then go on to England spending a day at the Hague first as I much
12wish to see it. I should not like to pass through Holland without
13seeing you.
15I am sending a wire to-day to know if you will be at home. But am
16writing this in case you should be from home.
18Yours in haste
19With hearty greetings
20Olive Schreiner
22^I may not be able to come at all next week, as my plans are not sure
23but I am just writing in case I come^