"Great pleasure to meet you, hope sincere friendship may follow" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | HRC/RichardGarnett/Recip/OS-RichardGarnett/2 |
Archive | Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 5 June 1885 |
Address From | 41 Upper Baker Street, Westminster, London |
Address To | Richard Garnett, British Museum, London W.C. |
Who To | Richard Garnett |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, the University of Texas at Austin, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscript Collections. The address this letter was sent to has been derived from an associated envelope.
141 Upper Baker St
2June 5 / 85
4My dear Mr Garnett
6There is a young Scotchman, a law-student at Grays Inn in ^whom I am
7much interested^ as he is very friendless in London, & a man of ability
8He makes something by writing for news papers, but would be glad of
9almost any kind of literary work, even the most mechanical. It struck
10me that it was just possible you might be able to tell me of something.
11 I should be very glad if you could. It is so almost impossible to
12find literary work, even the very poorest, for people who have not yet
13got their foot on the ladder.
15I am always at home on Monday afternoons from 3 to 5, & should be so
16glad to see you. It is a very early hour but I can’t make it later.
18Please forgive my troubling you, but I feel this is one of those men
19one would like to think one had been able to help.
21Yours very sincerely
22Olive Schreiner
24I have not heard anything of Mrs Smith for more than a year. Could you
25tell me if she is London?
2June 5 / 85
4My dear Mr Garnett
6There is a young Scotchman, a law-student at Grays Inn in ^whom I am
7much interested^ as he is very friendless in London, & a man of ability
8He makes something by writing for news papers, but would be glad of
9almost any kind of literary work, even the most mechanical. It struck
10me that it was just possible you might be able to tell me of something.
11 I should be very glad if you could. It is so almost impossible to
12find literary work, even the very poorest, for people who have not yet
13got their foot on the ladder.
15I am always at home on Monday afternoons from 3 to 5, & should be so
16glad to see you. It is a very early hour but I can’t make it later.
18Please forgive my troubling you, but I feel this is one of those men
19one would like to think one had been able to help.
21Yours very sincerely
22Olive Schreiner
24I have not heard anything of Mrs Smith for more than a year. Could you
25tell me if she is London?