"Use of religious terms, Hinton" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | HRC/RichardGarnett/Recip1/OS-RichardGarnett/1 |
Archive | Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 21 October 1888 |
Address From | Hotel Mediterranee, Alassio, Italy |
Address To | |
Who To | Richard Garnett |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, the University of Texas at Austin, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscript Collections. This letter is bound into an album containing letters to Garnett about his books, such as The Life of Thomas Carlyle, The Life of John Milton, The Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson and The Twilight of the Gods.
1Hotel Mediterranee
4Oct 21 / 88
6Dear Mr Garnett
7Your letter has just reached me here. Thank you a great deal, for
8saying you will send me your volume of tales. Since I read your life
9of Emerson I know you a great deal better, in fact I know you for the
10first time I thought of sending over a note to the Museum when I was
11in Montague St, to ask you to come & see me, but I was afraid you
12would be busy. I think you would like to know how much I like your
13little Emerson book.
15The weather here is glorious, peaceful & sunny. You feel as if all the
16problems of life arranged themselves before you here, & that
17“whatever is is best”, just because the sea & sky & hills all
18harmonize so perfectly. One feels that the human world must be capable
19at last of a beautiful & harmonious arrangement if in this physical
20world it can be attained. What makes one so sad in London is that one
21can’t look up from man to the sky for help:
23There’s a big neglected garden here nearly half a mile long where
24one can wander all day & see nothing but the trees & the sky & the
25hills & the spire of the church & the ruins on the hills. To-day has
26seemed so happy it has seemed long with happiness & quiet.
28Thank you for the promise of the book, very much.
30Yours very faithfully
31Olive Schreiner
4Oct 21 / 88
6Dear Mr Garnett
7Your letter has just reached me here. Thank you a great deal, for
8saying you will send me your volume of tales. Since I read your life
9of Emerson I know you a great deal better, in fact I know you for the
10first time I thought of sending over a note to the Museum when I was
11in Montague St, to ask you to come & see me, but I was afraid you
12would be busy. I think you would like to know how much I like your
13little Emerson book.
15The weather here is glorious, peaceful & sunny. You feel as if all the
16problems of life arranged themselves before you here, & that
17“whatever is is best”, just because the sea & sky & hills all
18harmonize so perfectly. One feels that the human world must be capable
19at last of a beautiful & harmonious arrangement if in this physical
20world it can be attained. What makes one so sad in London is that one
21can’t look up from man to the sky for help:
23There’s a big neglected garden here nearly half a mile long where
24one can wander all day & see nothing but the trees & the sky & the
25hills & the spire of the church & the ruins on the hills. To-day has
26seemed so happy it has seemed long with happiness & quiet.
28Thank you for the promise of the book, very much.
30Yours very faithfully
31Olive Schreiner
The particular books Schreiner refers to are: Richard Garnett (1888) The Twilight of the Gods and Other Tales London: T. Fisher Unwin; Richard Garnett (1888) The Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson London: Walter Scott.
The particular books Schreiner refers to are: Richard Garnett (1888) The Twilight of the Gods and Other Tales London: T. Fisher Unwin; Richard Garnett (1888) The Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson London: Walter Scott.