"Writing, retouching, ambition" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | Olive Schreiner BC16/Box4/Fold1/1908/67 |
Archive | University of Cape Town, Manuscripts & Archives, Cape Town |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 24 December 1908 |
Address From | De Aar, Northern Cape |
Address To | |
Who To | Frances (‘Fan’) Schreiner nee Reitz |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to Manuscripts and Archives, University of Cape Town, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscripts and Archives Collections.
De Aar
2 Dec 24th 1908
4 Dear old sister
6 Thanks for your interesting letter. I hear from Dr Brown the boys are
7going up to spend Xmas with Will. I hope they will find a cool place.
9 Does Will give good news of his health?
11 I may be coming down to Cape Town for a week or ten days at Xmas if
12Cron goes down to see his mother. You are sure to be full up with
13visitors at that time of year & busy moving to St James, but you’ll
14see lots of me dear, I’ll often come to see you. I shall stay at Mrs
15Johnsons Tamboer’s Kloof or at Sea Point likely if I come, but
16nothing’s sure
18 The heat here is very terrible 80 in the middle of the night in my
19cool bedroom with doors & windows open! In
21 I wonder why Jessie Innes is returning so soon?
23 Has Dorothy Van Zÿl had a baby yet?
25 I’ve seen no notice in the papers.
27 Have you seen my darling Isie Smuts since she came? She is staying at
28Sea Point. She wanted me to go ^down^ & stay with her, but I couldn’t
29& I suppose she will be gone by Xmas.
31 Good bye dear.
32 Olive
2 Dec 24th 1908
4 Dear old sister
6 Thanks for your interesting letter. I hear from Dr Brown the boys are
7going up to spend Xmas with Will. I hope they will find a cool place.
9 Does Will give good news of his health?
11 I may be coming down to Cape Town for a week or ten days at Xmas if
12Cron goes down to see his mother. You are sure to be full up with
13visitors at that time of year & busy moving to St James, but you’ll
14see lots of me dear, I’ll often come to see you. I shall stay at Mrs
15Johnsons Tamboer’s Kloof or at Sea Point likely if I come, but
16nothing’s sure
18 The heat here is very terrible 80 in the middle of the night in my
19cool bedroom with doors & windows open! In
21 I wonder why Jessie Innes is returning so soon?
23 Has Dorothy Van Zÿl had a baby yet?
25 I’ve seen no notice in the papers.
27 Have you seen my darling Isie Smuts since she came? She is staying at
28Sea Point. She wanted me to go ^down^ & stay with her, but I couldn’t
29& I suppose she will be gone by Xmas.
31 Good bye dear.
32 Olive