"On prostitution and the woman question" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceEdward Carpenter 359/85
ArchiveSheffield Archives, Archives & Local Studies, Sheffield
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date25 May 1902
Address FromHanover, Northern Cape
Address To
Who ToEdward Carpenter
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to the Sheffield Archives, Sheffield Libraries, Archives and Information Services, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Archive Collections.
1 Hanover
2 May 25th 1902
4 Dear EC
6 I wonder how the world goes with you & if you have been up to Glasgow
7& stayed with Bob.
9 Please tell Isabella I’ve had no letter from her in reply to my two
10last. I got one newspaper she sent me & two Mat sent me "The Morning
13 We’ve got two meerkats & two dogs & they are a great comfort & joy to
14us. Cron is sta trying to start business here as a law agent, ^as he
15can’t get away^ but there is not much work to be done here till Martial
16law is over which may not be for many years.
18 Give my love to dear old Mat & all the friends. It’s so nice to think
19of Bob having so many children; his little girl looks so lovely. I
20would like to see them.
22 We are having glorious cold winter weather here; hard frosts at night,
23& glorious warm sun in the day. The veld looks like heaven. I wish you
24could once see this great blue, free sky. English people can’t
25understand South Africans because they weren’t born under such a sky.
26Good bye. Drop me a line when the spirit moves you.
28 Olive
30 Love to dear Kate Salt.