"Johannesburg, fiendish hell, veld all round" Read the full letter
Letter Reference | HRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/69 |
Archive | Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin |
Epistolary Type | Letter |
Letter Date | 2 April 1903 |
Address From | Hanover, Northern Cape |
Address To | |
Who To | T. Fisher Unwin |
Other Versions | |
Permissions | Please read before using or citing this transcription |
Legend |
The Project is grateful to the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, the University of Texas at Austin, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscript Collections.
2Cape Colony,
3April 2 / 03
5Dear Mr Unwin
7I quite accept your apology with regard to the letter. I am quite sure
8no one in your emply would knowingly tamper with a letter addressed to
9myself, & that it was a mishap.
11I have received all your letters, but please in future always address to me
12at Hanover
13Cape Colony
14South Africa,
15as letters sent to Newlands take 2 days longer to come. My permanent
16address is Hanover.
18Thank you for what you mention re – my American business in your two
19last. I am sure you mean it unselfishly, but pray do not trouble
20yourself in any way with my American concerns.
22All business letters are perfectly safe; I have never found one
23mis-carry. The only letters ever stopped are those from politicians &c
24dealing with politics. Any letter enclosing money ^or concerning
25business^ was quite safe even under marshal law.
27Yours faithfully
28Olive Schreiner
2Cape Colony,
3April 2 / 03
5Dear Mr Unwin
7I quite accept your apology with regard to the letter. I am quite sure
8no one in your emply would knowingly tamper with a letter addressed to
9myself, & that it was a mishap.
11I have received all your letters, but please in future always address to me
12at Hanover
13Cape Colony
14South Africa,
15as letters sent to Newlands take 2 days longer to come. My permanent
16address is Hanover.
18Thank you for what you mention re – my American business in your two
19last. I am sure you mean it unselfishly, but pray do not trouble
20yourself in any way with my American concerns.
22All business letters are perfectly safe; I have never found one
23mis-carry. The only letters ever stopped are those from politicians &c
24dealing with politics. Any letter enclosing money ^or concerning
25business^ was quite safe even under marshal law.
27Yours faithfully
28Olive Schreiner