"Rhodes, redistribution bill" Read the full letter
Delaware Lasner: The Mark Samuels Lasner collection of a small number of Schreiner letters is part of Special Collections at the University of Delaware. See http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec
Delaware-MSLasner: Mark Samuels Lasner Collection, University of Delaware
Olive Schreiner MSL/1: Roseneath, Harpenden, Herts, July 6 / 88, Dear Sir,, I enclose an envelop which I forgot to send when sending the short alleg...
Olive Schreiner MSL/2: Roseneath, Harpenden, Herts., Saturday, Dear Mr Chapman, My profits seem to be getting small & more small & beautiful...
Olive Schreiner MSL/3: Hotel du Pavillon, Mentone, Thank you for the trouble you took about the other book. Would you kindly let me know whether you...
Olive Schreiner MSL/4: Krantz Plaats , P.O Halesowen, March 24 / 94, Dear Mrs Graham, Your letter & your gift were a great surprise & pleasu...