"Don't come, Cron's dear old mother" Read the full letter

Transcription conventions & referencing

The following conventions have been used in producing genetic transcriptions of Olive Schreiner manuscripts:

     delete - a word or phrase that has been deleted

     ^insertion^ - the beginning and end of an insertion

     underline - a word or phrase that has been underlined

     unreadable - an unreadable word

     ?uncertain - a word that is difficult to make out, with this the possible reading of it

     [stuff] - an editorial interpolation


The commentaries and genetic transcriptions of Olive Schreiner manuscripts provided by the Olive Schreiner Letters Online are freely available for scholarly use so long as acknowledgement is made of the source from which these have been obtained. Please reference the genetic transcriptions and their commentaries along the following lines:

'Workers' genetic transcription, Olive Schreiner Letters Online, and provide the URL ['copy' from the URL box and paste]

Commentary on 'Workers', Olive Schreiner Letters Online, and provide the URL ['copy' from the URL box and paste]