"Been to Women's International Federation meeting, woman in street says 'traitor meeting'" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceHRC/CAT/OS/2b-vi
ArchiveHarry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter DateMonday 13 October 1884
Address From144 Marina, St Leonards, East Sussex
Address To24 Thornsett Road, South Penge Park, London
Who ToHavelock Ellis
Other VersionsDraznin 1992: 155
PermissionsPlease read before using or citing this transcription
The Project is grateful to the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, the University of Texas at Austin, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscript Collections. This letter has been dated by reference to an associated envelope and its postmark, which also provides the address it was sent to. Schreiner was resident in St Leonards at different addresses from mid October 1884 to the end of April 1885.
1Monday Evening
4Just now I have got your letter posted this morning. You have been at
5the hospital all day. London seems such a long way off. How are you?
6It begins to seem as if it were time to see you; I can’t yet teach
7myself to understand that weeks must pass before I see the brown hat &
8that little red neck tie.
10I am getting better. The Doctor I have is Penhall. He seems to
11understand my case & does me good. I have never had him before. I am
12going to get up tomorrow. I haven’t read I haven’t sat up since I came
13here, my boxes are all just as you packed them. But this afternoon I
14was much better I wrote to my brother. I will tell you what he says.
16How was Miss Jones? I am in such a funny kind of dream, Henry.
18As I think this doctor is clever Please As soon as he sounded me he
19said “You have bronchitis now but you have had asthma a great many
20years.” & with out asking many questions he seemed to know just what
21was the matter with me. I shall be glad when I can go & have a walk by
22my old sea. I could see a bit through the window this morning with the
23sunshining on it, it looked so beautiful. I will send you old
24Chapman’s letter to read. Give my love to our Louie. How I would have
25liked to come to Annerly a little; but you know I couldn’t. Now I will
26try to go to sleep. Don’t be one ^tiny^ bit anxious about me. It’s so
27much easier & nicer to be really ill like this, than to be fighting
28against it & trying to keep up. Did you tell Mrs. Hinton why I didn’t
29call. unreadable Good night
34Good morning Harry.
35Are you well? I feel close to you.
Draznin's (1992) version of this letter is in some respects different from our transcription.