"No god save the king or god bless Paul Kruger" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceHRC/CAT/OS/2a-xiv
ArchiveHarry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter DateThursday 28 August 1884
Address FromBolehill, Wirksworth, Derbyshire
Address To
Who ToHavelock Ellis
Other VersionsCronwright-Schreiner 1924: 39, 39; Rive 1987: 50; Draznin 1992: 128-9
PermissionsPlease read before using or citing this transcription
The Project is grateful to the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, the University of Texas at Austin, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscript Collections. In the absence of other information, dating this letter has followed Draznin (1992), who has done so by reference to Cronwright-Schreiner's (1924) The Letters. Schreiner stayed at Bolehill near Wirksworth from early to late July 1884, moved to Buxton for about ten days, and then returned to Bole Hill from mid August to early September 1884.
1Thursday Night ^9.30.^
3I have been working since nine o’clock this morning. Have not left
4off even to eat, eat walking up & down. Have ?ha not laid down today!!!
5 Can you believe that? I feel as if I must write to you this evening.
6I have to keep on working or I would miss you. I haven’t been out of
7doors today, but could see such a lovely light on the grass. I wanted
8to go for a walk with you.
10Weren’t they glad to see the boy at home. How was the cream? I am
11afraid it was butter. And the eggs. I ought to have packed them.
13I haven’t heard again from Blackwell, but I think I shall be able to
14go on Tuesday.
16What of the Avelings? Be sure you don’t mention to anyone our my
17idea about the debt, because it might set other people to whom he owes
18money on him.
20I am going to read Emerson now. You know he is just like a bible to me.
21 It comforts me so.
23I wonder if there will be a letter from you tomorrow. Does it seem
24long to you since you went too?
26Good night now, my boy,
32I have your letter, & the toothbrush.
34Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be sad or afraid.
36I think the great difference between us was is that the goodness which
37I only strive after, you have.
39There is one word in your letter I can’t make out. I send it to you.
40I am disappointed that Louie was not athome when you got there. I
41wanted her to be there to comfort you.
43You seem to have had such a good effect on my mind. I am working
44better than I ever have since I came to England.
46I ?wond I think I do understand you.
Draznin's (1992) version of this letter is in some respects different from our transcription. Rive's (1992) version omits part of the letter and is in a number of other respects incorrect. Extracts from the letter appear under different dates in Cronwright-Schreiner (1924) and these are also incorrect in various ways.