"George Murray killed; my heart is folding round you with love; I hate war" Read the full letter
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Letter ReferenceHRC/OliveSchreinerUncatLetters/OS-TFisherUnwin/28
ArchiveHarry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin
Epistolary TypeLetter
Letter Date20 January 1897
Address From19 Russell Road, Kensington, London
Address To
Who ToT. Fisher Unwin
Other Versions
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The Project is grateful to the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, the University of Texas at Austin, for kindly allowing us to transcribe this Olive Schreiner letter, which is part of its Manuscript Collections. This letter is by and from Olive Schreiner, with Cronwright-Schreiner acting as her amanuensis or secretary.
119 Russell Road
2Kensington W.
6Dear Mr Unwin,
8It was gratifying to hear that you had so satisfactorily arranged the
9“W.H.Smith & Son” matter. All will go without a hitch now, I
10expect; and I hope that, both for South Africa’s sake & your own,
11the book will have a large, wide-spread, & rapid sale.
13Mrs Schreiner thanks both you & Mr Statham for “South Africa as it
14is”, which we anticipate reading with pleasure & profit.
16Thanks too for the newspaper cuttings. Do not trouble to send any more,
17 as we have arranged with Durrants.
19I expected something more sympathetic from the “Daily Chronicle”,
20a paper with which I am greatly in sp sympathy on many matters,
22I addressed a letter to “Robert Lutz, Stuttgart, Germany” about
23the German translation of “Peter Halket”, but it has been returned
24to me as insufficiently addressed. Will you please let me have the
25full address of the firm that wrote you the letter you sent on to Mrs
28I am sorry I shall not see you again until our return from the
29Continent we start on Monday.
31With kind regards,
32Yours very sincerely,
33S.C. Cronwright Schreiner
The 'W.H. Smith matter' concerns ensuring it would sell Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland, because it had earlier been concerned that Rhodes might bring a libel case concerning its contents. The book referred to is: Francis R. Stratham (1897) South Africa As It Is London: Fisher Unwin.